Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX Cheats
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Big Tires Pause the game, then hold L and press Down, B(2), Down. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake. Repeat the code to disable it. |
Burnside Level From Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Get all thirty covers and two gold medals with all characters. If done correctly, a message will confirm that the level has been unlocked. |
Display Balance Status Pause the game, then hold L and press Left, B, X, Y, X, B, A. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake. Repeat the code to disable it. |
Exorcist Mode Enable the "Big tires" code, then get over 10,000 point to have your rider's head spin on their shoulders. |
Extra Course Time Pause the game, then hold L and press X, Up, B, A. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake. Repeat the code to disable it. |
Grandma FMV Sequence Win any type of medal in both competition levels with Grandma. |
Neversoft Bails FMV Sequence Win any type of medal in both competition levels with Tony Hawk. |
Play As Granny Pause the game, then hold L and press Up, X, A(2), Down, B. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake. Alternately, retry a level in career mode ten times. |
Play As Tony Hawk Get all thirty covers and two gold medals in career mode with any character to unlock Tony Hawk on an old girls bike. |
Special Always Available Pause the game, then hold L and press Left, Down, Y, B, Up, Left, Y, X. If you entered the code correctly, the pause screen will shake. Repeat the code to disable it. |
Special Moves All of the following moves are performed when your character's special meter is flashing yellow:Cory "Nasty" Naztazio- Superman Seat Grab
Press Down, Down, B. - Double Tailwhip
Press Down, Right, B. - Backflip Tabletop
Press Up, Down, B. - Frontflip
Press Down, Up, B. Dennis McCoy- Superman Tailwhip
Press Down, Down, B. - Double Tailwhip
Press Down, Right, B. - Backflip One Footer
Press Up, Down, B. - Decade Air
Press Left, Right, X. Granny- Superman Seatgrab
Press Up, Up, B. - Gum Grab
Press Up, Up, X. - Front Body Flip
Press Down, Up, B. Joe "Butcher" Kilowalski- Superman Backpeg Barspin
Press Down, Down, B. - No-Footed Candy Bar One Hander
Press Up, Up, B. - Half Barspin Tailwhip
Press Down, Right, X. - Backflip Tabletop
Press Up, Down, B. Kevin Robinson- Superman Tube Grab
Press Down, Down, B. - One Handed Swing Grab
Press Right, Down, X. - Bar Hop
Press Right, Right, X. - No Handed Backflip
Press Up, Down, B. Mat "The Condor" Hoffman- Superman One Hander
Press Down, Down, B. - Bar Hop
Press Right, Right, X. - Peacock
Press Left, Right, X. - Triple Tailwhip
Press Down, Right, B. - Backflip Tailwhip
Press Up, Down, B. Mike "Rooftop" Escamilla- Superman Seatgrab Bar Spin
Press Down, Down, B. - Backflip One Footer
Press Up, Down, B. - Body Varial
Press Left, Right, X. - Frontflip
Press Down, Up, B. Rick Thorne- Double Seat Grab Superman
Press Down, Down, B. - Decade Air
Press Left, Right, B. - Backflip No Footer
Press Up, Down, B. - Front Body Flip
Press Down, Right, B. Simon Tabron- Double Seat Grab Superman
Press Down, Down, B. - Superman Seat Grab
Press Up, Up, B. - No Footed Candy Bar One Hander
Press Left, Right, X. - Backflip One Footer
Press Up, Down, B. Tony Hawk- Superman Tailwhip
Press Down, Down, B. - Decade Air
Press Left, Right, B. - Body Varial
Press Left, Right, X. - Front Body Flip
Press Down, Up, B.
View Rider's Ending Sequence Win any type of medal in both competition levels with any rider to view the corresponding FMV sequence. |
Warehouse Level From Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Score a 200,000 combo without any codes activated. If done correctly, a message will confirm that the level has been unlocked. |
Gameshark Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX Hacks | Master Code First (Must Be On) | 9C5D88F8 | Master Code Last (Must Be On) | 245EECA9 | Unlock Granny, Tony Hawk, Warehouse, Burnside | 50F5F347 00000079 | Unlock All Movies | F214AF7D 0000FFFF | Cory Naztazio Codes | All Bikes | 94181CF3 000000FF | All Levels | 682C70C5 00000063 95C99CF3 FFFFFFFF E229FEBF FFFFFFFF | Max Stats | B1FE5AFC 0A0A0A0A E389FEBF 0A0A0A0A | Dennis McCoy Codes | All Bikes | 9B581CF3 000000FF | All Levels | 864DEC0D 00000063 C7FB6152 FFFFFFFF 2DFC71C5 FFFFFFFF | Max Stats | BEBE5AFC 0A0A0A0A ED49FEBF 0A0A0A0A | Granny Codes | All Bikes | B44FDAFD 000000FF | All Levels | C0DB6152 00000063 FC952F7D FFFFFFFF 5E747347 FFFFFFFF | Max Stats | D1AB0DD7 0A0A0A0A 1CD41F7E 0A0A0A0A | Joe Kilowalski Codes | All Bikes | 4ADADE54 000000FF | All Levels | 486B5E54 00000063 56947347 FFFFFFFF AA6C779F FFFFFFFF | Max Stats | 6B6C70C5 0A0A0A0A ABCC779F 0A0A0A0A | Kevin Robinson Codes | All Bikes | 609DF0C5 000000FF | All Levels | 46AB5E54 00000063 7032A7CD FFFFFFFF C51B6152 FFFFFFFF | Max Stats | 838DEC0D 0A0A0A0A B89E5AFC 0A0A0A0A | Mike Escamilla Codes | All Bikes | CDAAE152 000000FF | All Levels | 93E99CF3 00000063 D30B0DD6 FFFFFFFF 330F3925 FFFFFFFF | Max Stats | E5A9FEBF 0A0A0A0A 18941F7F 0A0A0A0A | Mat Hoffman Codes | All Bikes | E4587EBF 000000FF | All Levels | E6E87EBF 00000063 249C71C5 FFFFFFFF 7B92A7CD FFFFFFFF | Max Stats | 1EB41F7F 0A0A0A0A 4FCB5E54 0A0A0A0A | Rick Thorne Codes | All Bikes | D89A8DD6 000000FF | All Levels | F5F52F7D 00000063 366F3925 FFFFFFFF 88CDEC0D FFFFFFFF | Max Stats | FB752F7D 0A0A0A0A 38EF3925 0A0A0A0A | Simon Tabron Codes | All Bikes | 12C59F7F 000000FF | All Levels | 10741F7F 00000063 408B5E54 FFFFFFFF 9CA99CF3 FFFFFFFF | Max Stats | 3FCF3925 0A0A0A0A 75F2A7CD 0A0A0A0A | Tony Hawk Codes | All Bikes | 90581CF2 000000FF | All Levels | 6C6C70C4 00000063 ACCC779E FFFFFFFF F2F52F7C FFFFFFFF | Max Stats | B5BE5AFD 0A0A0A0A CC7B6153 0A0A0A0A |