Ampharos/Denryuu Go to the route after Violet City towards the Union Cave, and try to capture the electric sheep, Mareep/Meripu. Let it grow to level 15. It will evolve into Flaaffy. Train it to level 30 to get Ampharos/Denryuu. |
- Flanker: 7 Pidey, 9 Pideyotto in Violet City
- Bugsy: 14 Metapod, 14 Kakuna, 14 Sycter in Azalea Town
- Whiteny: 18 Clefariy, 20 Miltank in Goldenrod City
- Morty: 21 Gastly, 21 Haunter, 25 Gengar, 23 Haunter in Ecruek City
- Chuck: 28 Primape, 30 Machamp in Cinawood City
- Bryce: 29 Seel, 29 Dewgong, 31 Piloswine in Mahongy Town
- Jaminse: 30 Magimite, 30 Magmite, 35 Steelix in Olive City
- Clair: 37 Dragonair, 37 Dragonair, 37 Dragonair, 40 Kingdra
Bellossom/Kirehana Give Gloom a Sun Stone and it will evolve into Bellossom/Kirehana. Note: You cannot evolve Bellossom/Kirehana into Vileplume. |
Breed Without The Other Half You do not need another of the same Pokemon to breed. Get the Pokemon you want to breed and put it as male or female. Get Ditto, place it with the male or female, and let the breeding begin. |
Breeding Evolutions
- Breed two Pikachus to get Pichu.
- Breed two Electabuzzes and you get Elekid/Eleckid.
- Breed two Clefairies and you get Cleffa/Pi.
- Breed two Jigglypuffs and you get Igglybuff/Pipurin.
- Breed two Magmars and you get Magby/Magar.
Breeding Pokemon You cannot breed every type of Pokemon, although some are male or female (like Mewtwos). They still cannot be bred together. |
Change Time At the title screen, press Down + Select + B. You will need to enter a password to change the time, based on your Trainer name, Trainer number, and money. The password can be calculated online at The Bruise Brothers and The PokeMasters; or you can download a Windows 95/98/Me program to do it on your PC. |
Clone Pokemon And Items
Note: This trick could corrupt your saved game file. Put the Pokemon you want cloned in an empty box on Bill's computer. Then switch to another empty box. When it asks you to save select "Yes". Once it says there is another file, select "Yes" and at the same time turn the power off on the Game Boy system. Make sure the power is off before more text comes up or you will not get the cloned Pokemon. If done correctly, you will have the Pokemon that you cloned in your party and another one in Bill's computer where you deposited. This trick also works on items. |
Defeating Ash Create a Pokemon team with different types; Grass, Psychic, Devil, Fire, Water, and Steel recommended. Each Pokemon should be level 65 or higher. If not, make sure you have a large amount of Hyper Potions and Revives. |
Duplicate Items Go to the item that you want to be duplicate. Note: You cannot duplicate items in Poke Balls, such as Rare Candy. Then get the password to reset the time and change the day. This works best with berries and balls from Kurt. |
Enjyu City Battle When you go to Enjyu City, go to the tower and your rival will appear, but will not battle. However, if you first heal your Pokemon at the Pokecenter, defeat the Ghost Gym Leader, and then go to that tower, your rival will talk to you and fight. |
Faster Credits Display During the credits, hold B. |
Female Mr. Mime (Gold Version) Go to Saffron City before fighting Sabrina. Challenge Sabrina to discover that her Mr. Mime is female. |
Gold Magikarp Breed the golden Gyarados with a regular Gyarados to get a golden Magikarp. |
Gym Leader Tactics Use the following Pokemon types to battle the indicated Gym Leaders:Hayato (for Wind Badge) - Pidgey: Use Electric type
- Pidgeotto: Use Electric type
Unknown (for Insect Badge) - Metapod: Use Fire type
- Kakuna: Use Fire type
- Scyther: Use Fire type
Akane (for Normal Badge) - Clefairy: Use Psychic type
- Mirutanku: Use Psychic type
Unknown (for Phantom Badge) - Ghastly: Use Psychic type
- Haunter: Use Psychic type
- Gengar: Use Psychic type
- Haunter: Use Psychic type
Unknown (for Shock Badge) - Primeape: Use Psychic type
- Poliwrath: Use Grass type
Mikan (for Steel Badge) - Magnemite: Use Fighting type
- Magnemite: Use Fighting type
- Haganail: Use Fighting type
Unknown (for Ice Badge) - Seel: Use Electric type
- Dewgong: Use Electric type
- Inomu: Use Electric type
Ibuki (for Raging Badge) - Dragonair: Use Fire type
- Dragonair: Use Fire type
- Kingudora: Use Fire type
- Dragonite: Use Fire type
Lt. Surge (for Orange Badge) - Raichu: Use Fighting type
- Magneton: Use Fighting type
- Electabuzz: Use Fighting type
- Electrode: Use Fighting type
- Electrode: Use Fighting type
Sabrina (for Gold Badge) - Mr.Mime: Use Psychic type
- Alakazam: Use Psychic type
- Eifi: Use Psychic type
Erika (for Rainbow Badge) - Tangela: Use Fire type
- Victreebell: Use Fire type
- Vileplume: Use Fire type
- ????: Use Fire type
Anzu (for ?) - Kurobatto: Use Psychic or Fire type
- Ariadosu: Use Psychic or Fire type
- Weezing: Use Psychic type
- Weezing: Use Psychic type
- Venomoth: Use Fire type
Brock (for ?) - Graveler: Use Grass type
- Onix: Use Grass type
- Rhyhorn: Use Grass type
- Omastar: Use Grass type
- Kabutops: Use Grass type
Blane (for ?) - Magakarugo: Use Water type
- Rapidash: Use Water type
- Magmar: Use Water type
Gary (for ?) - Pidgeot: Use Electric type
- Alakazam: Use Psychic type
- Exeguttor: Use Fire type
- Rhydon: Use Grass type
- Arcanine: Use Water type
Ash Ketchum (Final battle for bragging rights) - Pikachu: Use Fighting type
- Efi: Use Psychic type
- Blastiose: Use Electric type
- Venusaur: Use Fire type
- Charizard: Use Water type
- Snorlax: Use Fighting type
Ho-Oh/Hou-Hou (Gold Version) Go to Ecruteak City, then go inside the house with another house beside it. Climb up and enter Tin-Tower. Climb up until you get to Ho-Oh/Hou-Hou. Note: You must have the Rainbow Wing. You can get this from the Station Manager after beating the Rockets in the Radio Tower. You do this after beating Mahogany Town gym. |
Ho-Oh/Hou-Hou (Silver Version) Go to Pewter City and talk to the old man that walks around. He will give you a gold feather. Then, go to the place where Ho-Oh/Hou-Hou is located in the Gold version to find it. |
In-game Reset While playing a game, press Start + Select + A + B to reset the game. |
Infinite Money Go to the Underground Path in Goldenrod City on Monday. Buy a Nugget and attach it to a Pokemon. Use the duplication trick as many times as needed. Detach the Nugget(s) and sell them for $5,000 each. |
Items From Time Capsule Pokemon When you use the Time Capsule to trade with the other Pokemon games, every Pokemon that comes from the Red, Blue, or Yellow versions will have an item equipped with them. Some will just have berries, but others have better things. |
King's Rock Go to the town where you had to rescue the Slowpokes from Azalea Town. Enter Slowpoke Cave where you got the Slowpokes from the two Rockets. Use Strength and push the boulder, then Surf in the pond. Find the ladder, go to it, and Surf. Talk to the person in that part of the cave. He will give you the King's Rock. |
Kingdra Equip Seadra with the Symbol of King's Rock, and then trade it. |
Lapras Enter the Union Cave on Friday and go to the pool in the lowest left side on the first floor. Surf across the pool to a ladder. Climb the ladder, then Surf across the pool. Go up the new ladder. Surf to the middle of the pool. Now go left to shore. Walk down until you get to another pool. You should now see Lapras. Note: There is only one, however there will be a new Lapras every Friday. |
Lugia (Gold Version) Go to Pewter City and talk to the old man. He will give you a silver feather. Then, go to the place where Lugia is located in the Gold version to find it. |
Lugia (Silver Version) Learn HM06 (Whirlpool) and go to Cianwood City. Destroy a whirlpoor and enter the cave. Go through the maze and you will reach Lugia. |
Metal Coat Collect all eight badges, then talk to Professor Elm (the person from the start of the game). He will give you the S.S. Aqua ticket. Go to Olivine City where the Gym Leader was first not there. Go inside the house at the shore, the person will let you go through, and you will be on the S.S. Aqua. You will meet a man that wants you to find his daughter on the ship. You can find her with the captain. Return her to her father to receive the Metal Coat. |
Monorail Ticket Go to Saffron City and talk to the girl copycat. Fly to Vermilion City and talk to everyone in the house where you received the bike voucher. Someone will give you the Clefairy doll. Take it to the copycat to get the monorail ticket. |
New Poke Balls You can give Apricorns to the Poke Ball maker in Azalea Town to get new types of Poke Balls:- White Apricorn
Fast Ball: Good for catching Pokemon that try to escape from battle quickly. - Red Apricorn
Level Ball: If your Pokemon's level is significantly higher than the wild Pokemon's, it will be an easy catch. - Blue Apricorn
Lure Ball: Good for catching Water types when fishing. - Pink Apricorn
Love Ball: If the wild Pokemon's gender is opposite that of your Pokemon's you will have an easier catch. - Black Apricorn
Heavy Ball: Big enough to catch heavy Pokemon like Snorlax. - Green Apricorn
Friend Ball: Pokemon caught with Friend Balls will become very attached to their trainer. Good for Chansey (if you want it to evolve into Blissey). - Yellow Apricorn
Moon Ball: Good for catching Pokemon that evolve with Moon Stones, like Clefairy and Jigglypuff.
Normal Mystery Gift Items
Item | Rarity | Berry | Common | Bitter Berry | Common | Brunt Berry | Common | Dire Hit | Common | Elixir | Uncommon | Fire Stone | Rare | Gold Berry | Uncommon | Great Ball | Uncommon | Guard Spec. | Common | HP Up | Very rare | Ice Berry | Common | Leaf Stone | Rare | Magnifier | Rare | Max Elixier | Rare | Max Ether | Rare | Max Repel | Uncommon | Max Revive | Rare | Mint Berry | Common | Miracleberry | Uncommon | Morph Mail | Common | Music Mail | Common | PP Up | Very rare | Przcureberry | Common | Psncureberry | Common | Revive | Uncommon | Super Repel | Uncommon | Thunder Stone | Rare | Water Stone | Rare | X Accuracy | Common | X Attack | Common | X Defend | Common | X Special | Common |
Orange League Trainer Tactics Use the following Pokemon types to battle the indicated Trainer: Will/Itkusi - Xatu/Neiteio: Use Psychic or Fire type
- Slowbro: Use Psychic type
- Xatu/Neiteio: Use Psychic or Fire type
- Jynx: Use Psychic type
- Exeggutor: Use Fire type
Koga - Ariados/Araidosu: Use Psychic or Fire type
- Venomoth: Use Fire type
- Muk: Use Psychic type
- Crobat/Kuroba: Use Psychic or Fire type
- Forretress/Fuoretosu: Use Psychic or Fire type
Bruno - Hitmontop/Kaporea: Use Psychic or Grass type
- Hitmonchan: Use Psychic type
- Hitmonlee: Use Psychic type
- Machamp: Use Psychic type
- Onix: Use Grass type
Karen/Karin - Umbreon/Burakki: Use Psychic or Fire type
- Vileplume: Use Fire type
- Gengar: Use Psychic type
- Murkrow/Yamikarasu: Use Psychic or Fire type
- Houndoom/Heruga: Use Psychic or Fire type
Lance - Gyarados: Use Electric type
- Dragonite: Use Ice type
- Dragonite: Use Ice type
- Dragonite: Use Ice type
- Aerodactyl: Use Grass, Water, or Electric type
- Charizard: Use Water or Electric type
People With Items
Day | Person | Location | Monday | Monica | Route 40 | Tuesday | Tuscany | Route 29 | Wednesday | Westley | Lake Of Rage | Thursday | Arthur | Route 36 | Friday | Frieda | Route 32 | Saturday | Santos | Blackthorn City | Sunday | Sunny | Route 37 |
Pikachu Transfer a Pikachu from Pokemon Yellow into the game. It should have an item directly translated to "Electric Ball". Equip it to any Pikachu, and its special attack will double. |
Pokemon With Items Teach a Pokemon TM46 (Thief), which is picked up in Team Rocket's Hideout in Mahogany Town. After that, use this list for items that you can get:Pokemon | Item | Rarity | Beedrill | Poison Sting | Rare | Butterfree | Silver Powder | Rare | Chansey | Lucky Egg | Rare | Clefairy | Moon Stone | Rare | Clefairy | Mysteryberry | Sometimes attached | Cubone | Thick Club | Rare | Dodrio | Sharp Break | Rare | Dragonair | Dragon Scale | Rare | Dratini | Dragon Scale | Rare | Farfetch'd | Stick | Rare | Fearow | Sharp Beak | Rare | Furret | Berry | Sometimes attached | Furret | Gold Berry | Rare | Geodude | Everstone | Rare | Graveler | Everstone | Rare | Grimer | Nugget | Rare | Growlithe (Gold) | Brunt Berry | Sometimes attached | Ho-oh | Sacred Ash | Always attached | Horsea | Dragon Scale | Rare | Jynx | Ice Berry | Sometimes attached | Magmar | Brunt Berry | Sometimes attached | Magnetmite | Metal Coat | Rare | Marowak | Thick Club | Rare | Miltank | MooMoo Milk | Sometimes attached | Misdreavous | Spell Tag | Rare | Mr.Mine | Mysteryberry | Rare | Muk | Nugget | Rare | Paras | Big Mushroom | Rare | Paras | Tiny Mushroom | Sometimes attached | Pikachu | Berry | Rare | Poliwhril | King's Rock | Rare | Seadra | Dragon Scale | Rare | Sentret | Berry | Rare | Shellder | Big Pearl | Rare | Shellder | Pearl | Sometimes attached | Shuckle | Berry | Sometimes attached | Slowbro | King's Rock | Rare | Slowpoke | King's Rock | Rare | Sneasel | Quick Claw | Rare | Snorlax | Leftovers | Always attached | Staryu | Star Piece | Rare | Staryu | Stardust | Sometimes attached | Vulpix (Silver) | Brunt Berry | Sometimes attached |
Red Gyarados Go to the Lake of Rage in Mahogany Town. Surf the lake until you see a strange red Gyarados. Fight him and catch him. |
Restart Game At the title screen, press Up + B + Select. |
Room Decoration Mystery Gift Items
Item | Rarity | Beedrill Doll | Common | Big Lapras Doll | Very rare | Big Onix Doll | Rare | Blue Carpet | Rare | Bulbasaur Doll | Uncommon | Clefairy Poster | Common | Diglett Doll | Common | Gengar Doll | Common | Geodude Doll | Common | Green Carpet | Rare | Grimer Doll | Common | Jigglypuff Doll | Common | Jigglypuff Poster | Common | Jombo Planet | Rare | Machop Doll | Common | Magikarp Doll | Common | MagnaPlant | Uncommon | NES | Uncommon | Nintendo 64 | Uncommon | Oddish Doll | Common | Pikachu Poster | Rare | Pink Bed | Uncommon | Poiwag Doll | Common | Polkadot Bed | Uncommon | Red Carpet | Rare | Shellder Doll | Common | Squirtle Doll | Uncommon | Staryu Doll | Common | Super NES | Common | Surf Pikachu Doll | Very rare | Tropic Planet | Uncommon | Virtual Boy | Rare | Voltorb Doll | Common | Yellow Carpet | Rare |
Silver Rhyhorn Go to Victory Road where you go to get to the Elite Four. You should encounter a silver Rhyhorn. |
Skip Credits During the credits, press Start + Select + A + B. |
Slowking/Yadoking Equip the King's Rock on Slowpoke, and then trade it. It will evolve into Slowking/Yadoking. |
Smoochum/Muchuru Breed Jynx with Ditto while looking at your party to get Smoochum/Muchuru. |
Starting Pokemon Select one of the following to get your first Pokemon: - Chicorita/Chickorita: A Grass type, like Bulbasaur.
- Waninoko/Tododile: A Water type, like Squirtle.
- Hinorashi/Cyndaquil: A Fire type, like Charmander.
Steelix/Haganal Equip the Metal Coat on Onix and trade it to another Game Boy. It will evolve into Steelix/Haganal. |
Three Legendary Dogs Go to Ecruteak City and enter Burned Tower (you must have Rock Smash). Break the rocks and fall down one of the holes to wake them up. Then, go outside and try to find them in the wild. |
Togepi Defeat Violet City Gym and go into the Pokecenter. Talk to Aide and he will give you a egg. After 5,000 steps, it will hatch into Togepi. |
Tyrogue/Buruki Go to Ecruteak City, then go inside the second cave (second entrance to Mt. Mortar), turn to the right and Surf. Go to the top and enter the other cave that is there. Make your way around the mazes and talk to Blackbelt Kyo. Defeat him to get Tyrogue/Buruki. Note: Make sure you have an open space in your Pokemon holder. |
Unown Music While in the Ruins of Alph southeast of Violet City go to the Pokegear option in the menu screen. Go to the radio option and on the fourteenth to the twentieth channel you can find a station Called ??????. That is the Unown Music. It can only be heard at Ruins of Alph. |
Unown Pokedex First, solve the Kabuto puzzle, which you should know how to get to. The rest will require the HM for Surf, found in Ecruteak City, TM08 (Rock Smash), and the HM for Strength. Surf down by the Ruins of Alph (Violet City) and solve the puzzle there. The puzzles should be somewhat easy. Just put in the corner pieces first. Then, go to the Union Cave. Walk around and find the Pokemaniac. If you have not defeated him, fight him. Then, Surf in the waters near him. You will have to return here twice. Break the rock you find, and solve the puzzle. Then return, move the boulder, and solve the last puzzle. Catch three Unown, then exit the ruins. Talk to the scientist near the cave and he will give you a complimentary Unown Pokedex. |