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Rayman Cheats

Game Boy

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99 Lives
Pause the game, then press A, Right, B, Up, A, Left, B, Down, A, Right, B, Up, A, Left, B.
All Powers
Pause the game, then press Right, Left, Up, Down, A, Up(2), Down(2), B, Right(2), Left(2), A.
Full Energy
Pause the game, then press B, Right, A, Up, B, Left, A, Down, B, Right.
Level Select
Enter "CH5G4mS1jD" as case-sensitive password to access the world map with all levels unlocked.
World Map
Pause the game, then press A, Left, A, Left, A, B, Right, B, Up, B, A, Left, A, Down, A.

Gameshark Rayman Hacks
Infinite Lives0163CBC7
Infinite Hearts0105CAC7
Infinite Tings0163C8C7

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