Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six Cheats
Game Boy
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Infinite Webs At the title screen, press Left, Down, B, Up. |
Invincibility At the title screen, press Up, Down, Right, A. |
Level Passwords
Status | Password | Level 2 after defeating Mysterio | MP!63C | Level 3 after defeating Sandman | PL851D | Level 4 after defeating Vulture | MM947F | Level 5 after defeating Scorpion | TS6!96 | Level 5-2 after passing the level to fight Kraven | TS6!9G | Level 6 after defeating Kraven | LR6!9G |
Level Select At the title screen, press B, A, Left, Down, Up, Right. |
Nightmare Difficulty Setting At the title screen, press A, B, Select, Up, Right, Down. |
One-hit Kills With Web Ball At the title screen, press Down, A, B, A(2). |
Teddy Bear Mini-game At the title screen, press A, B, A, B, Down. |
Gameshark Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six Hacks | Infinite Lives | 9106FFC9 | Infinite Health | 91FF19C1 | Infinite Web | 910F43C9 | One-Hit Kills (All Bosses) | 910199C1 |