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Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six Cheats

Game Boy

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Infinite Webs
At the title screen, press Left, Down, B, Up.
At the title screen, press Up, Down, Right, A.
Level Passwords
Level 2 after defeating MysterioMP!63C
Level 3 after defeating SandmanPL851D
Level 4 after defeating VultureMM947F
Level 5 after defeating ScorpionTS6!96
Level 5-2 after passing the level to fight KravenTS6!9G
Level 6 after defeating KravenLR6!9G
Level Select
At the title screen, press B, A, Left, Down, Up, Right.
Nightmare Difficulty Setting
At the title screen, press A, B, Select, Up, Right, Down.
One-hit Kills With Web Ball
At the title screen, press Down, A, B, A(2).
Teddy Bear Mini-game
At the title screen, press A, B, A, B, Down.

Gameshark Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six Hacks
Infinite Lives9106FFC9
Infinite Health91FF19C1
Infinite Web910F43C9
One-Hit Kills (All Bosses)910199C1

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