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Advance Wars 2 Cheats


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Black Hole Army Secret Level Map In Blue Moon Campaign
The map to the secret lab level is in the unoccupied building across from Lash's headquarters in the Toybox level.
Note: You must capture the city in order to get the map.
Black Hole Army Secret Level Map In Green Earth Campaign
In the inking Feeling level, the secret map is found in the city in the southern-most city on the Western Isle.
Note: You must capture the city in order to get the map.
Black Hole Army Secret Level Map In Orange Star Campaign
In the Flak Attack level, capture the city that is located about two squares above your headquarters.
Black Hole Army Secret Level Map In Yellow Comet Campaign
In the Show Stopper level, the secret map can be found in the southwestern most neutral city.
Note: You must capture the city in order to get the map.
Fog Of War
In campaign mode, during the fog of war your enemy can always see you, even if you are outside the visual range of all enemy units. For example, an enemy rocket is on plain four squares left of your recon that is also on plain. The rocket can still fire on you, even though it should not be able to see you. An exception is when your unit is in a forest and there are no enemy units beside you.
Find one of the Black Hole Army maps. Finish the missions that the map gives you. You will be able to build Neo-tanks, with only that country. This is also helpful for future missions in which you can use COs from other nations.
Olaf As Santa Claus
Unlock Olaf, buy his color edit, and select #8.
Play As Adder
Successfully complete all the Black Hole campaign levels to unlock Adder at the store.
Play As Colin
Buy Grit or Olaf at the store.
Play As Drake
Successfully complete all the Green Earth campaign levels to unlock Drake at the store.
Play As Eagle
Successfully complete all the Green Earth campaign levels to unlock Eagle at the store.
Play As Grit
Successfully complete all the Blue Moon campaign levels to unlock Grit at the store.
Play As Hachi
Successfully complete all the hard mode campaign levels to unlock Hachi at the store. Alternately, buy everything in his store.
Play As Hawke
Successfully complete all the Black Hole campaign levels to unlock Hawke at the store.
Play As Jess
Buy Drake or Eagle at the store.
Play As Kanbei
Successfully complete all the Yellow Comet campaign levels to unlock Kanbei at the store.
Play As Lash
Successfully complete all the Black Hole campaign levels to unlock Lash at the store.
Play As Nell
Successfully complete all the campaign levels to unlock Nell at the store.
Play As Olaf
Successfully complete all the Blue Moon campaign levels to unlock Olaf at the store.
Play As Sensei
Buy Kanbei or Sonja at the store.
Play As Sonja
Successfully complete all the Yellow Comet campaign levels to unlock Sonja at the store.
Play As Sturm
Successfully complete campaign mode with an average "A" rank. Alternately, get an average of an "S" rank on either normal campaign or hard campaign mode.
Sound Test
Successfully complete campaign mode with an "S" rank on either normal campaign or hard campaign mode to unlock the Sound Test at the store.
Yellow Comet CO
On the final mission, you are prompted to chose an Orange Star, Blue Moon, then Green Earth CO. If you wish to use a Yellow Comet CO, press Up or Down until you get to it at the CO select menu.

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