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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Cheats


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Allmighty Card
To get the ultimate antilaw card, clear the mission where you kill OGMA. You get an antilaw card that dispels all laws in the battle. Also, there is a mission where Ezel will ask you to get him Amber. You will get another Allmighty law card. Additionally, there is a mission where Ritz asks you for a Blue Flower. Give it to her and you will get the Allmighty card from Ritz.
Bonus Intermission Sequences
There are a few intermission sequences that appear after the game is completed, when you do extra missions. For example, one shows Ritz talking to you, Shara, and Babus; and after you do the missions it lets them join your team (although Ritz, Shara, and Babus are a lot weaker than when you had to fight them.
Change The Laws
When you go into a battle or mission and you do not like the laws, reset the game and load your file. Walk around the map until the "month" changes (Sagemoon, Madmoon, etc.). When you go into battle, the laws will be changed.
Changing The Missions
Once you see missions that you do not want to do, move around for a month (until it goes to Sagemoon, Madmoon, etc.). When its the next month, the missions will change when you go to the bar.

Note: This trick requires the Mythril Rod. Give Montblanc the Mythril Rod until he masters Black Combo. Then, change him to a Mog Knight. When you are in battle, keep Marche and Montblanc close. When Marche does a combo, Montblanc will help.
Completing Dispatch Missions
When selecting a character to send out on a dispatch mission, watch the characters actions carefully. If they sit down or just walk, do not pick them. However, if they jump up and down, select them. You will successfully complete the mission.
Note: Watch out for Moogles, as they tend not to be able to complete the missions.
Copy Trading

Note: This requires two games, two Game Boy Advances and a link cable. Have both you and a friend save on each save block before trading. Then, trade your friend the item that he wants that you have. After the trade, load up your other file and you will still have the item you traded.
Double Swords
If a human learns Double Swords then equips two of the same weapon to learn a skill, they will learn it twice as fast. They will gain AP for each weapon.
Easy Experience
Have Marche learn the skill First Aid as a Soldier. 2. When in battle, use First Aid on Marche. He will gain 10 experience points. Keep using this until he is at a high level, such as 15 or higher. Get in an engagement and KO every enemy except for one. Make sure it is an enemy that is no threat to you. Have all the characters that you want to level up attack Marche, being careful to watch his health and healing when necessary. They, will get good experience because Marche is at a higher level than they are.
Note: If you attack an enemy one level lower than you are, you will get 8 experience points. If you attack one that is a level higher than you are, you will get 12 experience points, etc.
Easy Experience
Have Marche learn the skill First Aid as a Soldier. 2. When in battle, use First Aid on Marche. He will gain 10 experience points. Keep using this until he is at a high level, such as 15 or higher. Get in an engagement and KO every enemy except for one. Make sure it is an enemy that is no threat to you. Have all the characters that you want to level up attack Marche, being careful to watch his health and healing when necessary. They, will get good experience because Marche is at a higher level than they are.
Note: If you attack an enemy one level lower than you are, you will get 8 experience points. If you attack one that is a level higher than you are, you will get 12 experience points, etc.

Engage in a battle. Kill all the enemies except for one. Make sure he/she is no threat to your characters. Try to box them into a corner. Then, take your highest level character(s) and have lower levels use potions on them. If the weak character and the strong character are 10 levels apart when the little one uses a potion on the big one you should get 30 experience points. This is an easy way to level.

Make Marche a Thief with the EXP Steal item. Then, go to a store and buy lots of Phoenix Downs. Engage with a clan. When you kill someone, have someone use the Phoenix Down on the character. Then, kill them again, or steal EXP. Repeat until you are ready to quit, then finish them all off.

Easy Rare Items

Note: This requires two games, two Game Boy Advances and a link cable. After you have done a link battle, or trading an item or character with your friend, go to any town and save. Go into the shop and select "Trade Items" and you will get a list of unusual items. Buy every item in stock, and if you do not get a good rare item, or the desired item, reload your game from before your save and return to the shop. The items will have changed.
Equipping Abilities
At one job you learn certain abilities for that job, such as Marche as a soldier learning First Aid, Provoke, Speedbreak, etc. Then at another job, such as Marche as a Fighter learning the Fighter abilities, you can still use his Soldier abilities. This is the same for all the other characters such as Montblanc. Montblanc starts out as a Black Mage, and you can change his job. For example, if you change his job to Time Mage, you can still use his Black Mage abilities while also learning and using Time Mage abilities.
Expert Missions
Successfully complete the game and wait for the credits to finish rolling. A screen will follow, stating that it is saving a game completion file over the most recently saved game. When you load the game, your file will have a star, marking that you have completed that file. When you accept missions at the pub now, the bartenders will offer the expert missions that they had been holding back.
Get Babus
After you have completed the game and finished some of the new missions, Babus will appear at the pub asking for Marche to accompany him to find an item Mewt had left in Ambervale. Go there and you will see a reincarnation of Remedi and two Ahrimans. Kill her and them, and a scene featuring Babus staring at Mewt's stuffed bear will appear. Marche then offers to be clan mates with Babus, and he will then offer to join you.
Get Babus
Clear the Left Behind mission, then enter a town and clear the With Babus mission.
Get Cid
Clear all three hundred numbered missions (not including link or reserve missions).
Get Ezel
Check your rumors often after some of your main missions. Go to Ezel and gossip with him. One time Ezel, will ask you to help him defend peace talks, and he will put a job (Reconciliation mission) in the pub. Go to the pub, take the job, and go to it. When you complete the job of defending the talks, Ezel will ask to join your party.
Get Lini The Mog Knight
Lini is one of the special characters in the game. He was one of Gaol's assistants and trusting friend. He is also shown in many mission screens. As you do mission 32: Tower Ruins, make sure you use the item "The Hero Gaol" and fight the battle against the enemies there. As you finish the battle, a recruitment box appears, and you get Lini the Moogle Knight. Lini has two great abililities, Mog Guard and Ultima Charge.
Get Ritz
After completing the main storyline missions, the Mortal Snow mission will appear at the pub. Take it, and Ritz will show up to help. After completing the mission, she will request to be invited on your clan.
Get Shara
Clear A Maidens Cry mission, then enter a town.
In Game Reset
While playing a game, press Start + Select + A + B.
Losing Special Characters
If you have a special character (such as Ritz) in your party during a battle and they end up dying, they will leave your clan.
Losing Special Characters
If you have a special character (such as Ritz) in your party during a battle and they end up dying, they will leave your clan.
Make Other Clan Members Talk
When you place your characters at the beginning of a fight where Marche would talk (any mission, but no encounters with other clan/groups), do not place Marche at all; or both Marche and Montblanc (if you do not want Montblanc or Marche to talk, because Montblanc will talk no matter what if placed at all, just like Marche). At the beginning of the fight, the character you placed first will talk and say something different than Marche would say; even Bangaas talk with the doubles.
Name References

    Judgemaster Cid: Every Final Fantasy game.

    When you are on the mission where you must rescue the professor, note the names of the enemy zombies. They are the same names of the bullies from school.

Powerful Weapons

Note: This requires two games, two Game Boy Advances and a link cable. Whenever you do a battle with a link cable and are victorious, you will either get an item, or power up the item you already have. If you and your friend play the same link mission repeatedly, your weapon will power up time and time again. The items you get are: Arcia Hat, Sequence KnightSword, and the Sequa Rod. The Sequence KnightSword and the Sequa Rod will power up their power by +1 or +2 every battle, and the Arcia Hat will power up its Def and Res by +1 or +2 with every battle.
Semi-secret Characters
Special characters such as Lini the Mog Knight do not require that you use the item needed to recruit them in any specific mission. As an example, bring "The Hero Gaol" which is needed for Lini or "The Wyrmstone" which is required for Pallanza on any mission except one that it is required for (which would use it up). If you do not get a recruitment screen with the character you want after the mission, just try again on a new mission. This will work with all the different kinds of missions (dispatch, clan, battle, etc.)
Stop Moving On The Map
When you are moving a long way on the map screen and want to stop somewhere before your destination, press B. You will stop at the next place on the map. For example, from Cyril to Ozmonfeild, when you press B you will go to the next town or place before your destination.
Summon References
    Exodus: Final Fantasy 5
    Ultima: Final Fantasy Tactics
    Famfrit: Final Fantasy 3
    Adramalech: Final Fantasy Tactics
Weapon References
    Save The Queen: Kingdom Hearts
    Buster Sword: Final Fantasy 7
    Lionheart: Final Fantasy 8
    Lance of Kain: Final Fantasy 4
    Tomberrian: Tonberry, famous Final Fantasy enemy
    Materia Blade: Final Fantasy 7
    Kikuichimoji: Final Fantasy Tactics
    Odin Lance: Final Fantasy 7
    God Hand: Final Fantasy 10
Zombie And Ghost Names
The three zombies in the Save The Prof mission are named Lyle, Colin, and Guiness, after the kids who picked on Mewt in the school yard. The names are also the same for ghosts in the Mortal Snow mission, where Ritz joins your party.

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