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Kao The Kangaroo Cheats


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Level Passwords
Ancient RuinsFlag, Bomb, Kao's Face, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Bear PeakFrog, Frog, Kao's Face, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Big BlizzardLamp, Palm Tree, Heart, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Crocodile IslandHeart, Palm Tree, Lamp, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Deadly WaterfallBoxing Glove, Mushroom, Evergreen, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Evil DescentOwl, Butterfly, Bird, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Frozen LakeBird, Key, Frog, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Holy TempleBomb, Kao's Face, Boxing Glove, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
HunterPalm Tree, Lamp, Frog, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
HypnodjinBomb, Flag, Coin, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Ice CavesKey, Key, Kao's Face, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Island ShoresCoin, Heart, Palm Tree, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Lightning SpeedPalm Tree, Heart, Coin, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Little ValleyButterfly, Bird, Key, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Lost VillageEvergreen, Fish, Owl, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Megasaurus FerociousFish, Owl, Butterfly, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Mythical CavesMushroom, Evergreen, Fish, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Never-ending SlideFlag, Coin, Heart, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Peril DesertHeart, Coin, Flag, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face
Trade VillageCoin, Flag, Bomb, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face

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