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Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition Cheats


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Alternate Weapon Colors
Hold the following button(s) at the screen where your opponent is viewed or between rounds:

    Red: Hold R.
    Yellow: Hold L.
    Brown: Hold R + L.
    Blue: Hold Up + A or B.
    Green: Hold Up + L.
    Purple: Hold Up + R.
    Black: Hold Up + L + R.
Vlad Shang TsungAA325
Ivy NitaraAB350
Suede MavadoAC350
Demon Quan ChiAD275
Goth SareenaAE225
Ermac ScorpionAF325
Cyron CyraxAG275
Anime CyraxAH200
Fester DrahminAI300
Anime Johnny CageAJ200
Sektor Weapon FatalityAKFinish tag team mode under normal difficulty with Cyrax and Sektor
Royal RaidenAL275
Salvation NitaraAM450
UnlockANWin 10 or more rounds in survival mode.
Golem Hsu HaoAO350
Martian DrahminAP400
Reaper RaidenBA450
Anime ScorpionBB200
Redden RaidenBC350
Anime NitaraBD200
Goth RaidenBE225
Gold Quan ChiBF450
Anime Quan ChiBG200
Goth NitaraBH225
Goldenboy CageBI275
Old Bo'Rai ChoBJ350
Harlot NitaraBK400
Valkyrie NitaraBL275
Suntan Quan ChiBM300
Storm ScorpionBN450
+300 Gold KoinsBO500
+100 KoinsBP50
Alien Quan ChiCB325
Arena: Lung Hai TempleCC1550
Goth Hsu HaoCD225
Royal Shang TsungCE350
Anime Hsu HaoCF200
Arena: Kuatan PalaceCG1250
'Classic' ModeCH1275
Cyclone CyraxCI350
Mongolian Hsu HaoCJ450
Plump Bo'Rai ChoCK400
Chilly Hsu HaoCL400
Cyboticon CyraxCM400
Black Knight MavadoCN325
Joc Johnny CageCO450
Goth Quan ChiCP225
Sandy ReptileDA400
Toreador MavadoDB450
UnlockDCWin 10 or more rounds in survival mode.
Smoke CyraxDD325
Salamander ReptileDE225
Shang Tsung Weapon FatalityDFFinish tag team mode under normal difficulty with Quan Chi and Shang Tsung
Red Johnny CageDG325
Hells Angel NitaraDH325
Dreamcoat MavadoDI300
Putty ReptileDJ300
Weapon Fatality: MavadoDK1100
Purple Quan ChiDL400
Anime ReptileDM200
Weapon Fatality: NitaraDN1525
Unlock SektorDOFinish tag team mode under hard difficulty with any character; or play a linked game with Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance for the Game Boy Advance
Technicolor Shang TsungDP300
+50 KoinsEA25
Pride MavadoEB275
Goth MavadoEC200
Prince MavadoED225
Toxic Bo'Rai ChoEE450
Smoke ScorpionEF275
Goth Bo'Rai ChoEG225
Sci Fi NitaraEH300
Anime SareenaEI200
+200 KoinsEJ100
Stealth Johnny CageEK350
Midas ReptileEL450
Yellow Johnny CageEM400
Anime DrahminEN200
Scorpiette SareenaEO275
Tobor CyraxEP450
Black Adder ReptileFA325
Castaway SareenaFB400
Double Agent SareenaFC450
Hef Bo'Rai ChoFD275
Parliament Shang TsungFE275
Handyman Shang TsungFF400
'Thermal' ModeFG1000
Powder Hsu HaoFH275
Ground Beef DrahminFI350
Weapon Fatality: Johnny CageFJ1000
Protocol CyraxFK225
'Krazy Kolors' ModeFL650
Reaper ScorpionFN400
'VB' ModeFO500
Weapon Fatality: Hsu HaoFP1973
Free 'Test Your Might'GA15000
Marvelous RaidenGB400
Weapon Fatality: ReptileGC1090
Billy Ray Bo'Rai ChoGD300
Free 'Test Your Sight'GE12000
Porcelain SareenaGF325
'Night Vision' ModeGG1000
Negateeva SareenaGH350
Quan She SareenaGI300
Shaolin RaidenGJ300
Buddah Bo'Rai ChoGK325
Unlock Hsu HaoGLFinish arcade mode under normal difficulty.
+500 KoinsGM250
Arena: Acid BathGN850
Viper CyraxGO300
MK-Watch Cage GP300
Chameleon ReptileHA350
Reptile ScorpionHB300
+250 KoinsHC125
Goth DrahminHF225
Sunshine RaidenHH325
Weapon Fatality: SareenaHI2020
Goth ScorpionHJ225
Anime RaidenHK200
The King MavadoHL400
Weapon Fatality: DrahminHM855
Evergreen Shang TsungHN450
Arena: Moloch's LairHO2000
B Movie DrahminHP325
Xeno Hus HaoIA300
Anime Bo'Rai ChoIB200
Derma DrahminIC275
Venom ReptileID275
Anime Shang TsungIE200
Select "Arcade Mode" ArenaIF750
Cyrax Weapon FatalityIGWin 10 or more rounds in survival mode.
Celsius ScorpionIH350
Goth Shang TsungII225
Reaper Quan ChiIJ350
Goth Johnny CageIK225
Arena: The ArmoryIL1500
El Diablo Hsu HaoIM325
UnlockINFinish tag team mode on normal difficulty with Quan Chi and Sareena
Parasite DrahminIO450
Unlock DrahminIPFinish tag team mode under normal difficulty with any characters
Faster Text Scrolling
Hold R while text is scrolling to make it faster.
    Nitara: Press Up, Forward, Punch (Midnight Snack).
    Mavado: Press Forward, Back, Punch (Tenderize).
    Johnny Cage: Press Forward, Back, Punch (Lobotomy).
    Sektor: Press Back(2), Forward, Kick.
    Hsu Hao: Press Back(2), Forward, Kick (Lazer Slice).
    Sareena: Press Back(3), Kick (Death Flurry).
    Bo Rai Cho: Press Back(3), Kick (Big Bounce).
    Cyrax: Press Down(2), Up, Kick (Rag Doll Slam).
    Rayden: Press Down(2), Up, Kick (Shock Therapy).
    Noob Saibot: Press Up, Forward, Kick.
    Drahmin: Press Back, Up, Kick.
    Shang Tsung: Press Down, Up, Kick (Slam & Stomp).
    Quan Chi: Press Back, Back, Kick (Neck Rip).
    Scorpion: Press Forward, Back, Kick (Brain Gain).
Play As Drahmin
Successfully complete tag mode on the normal or higher difficulty setting to unlock Drahmin.
Play As Hsu Hao
Successfully complete the game on the normal difficulty setting to unlock Hsu Hao.
Play As Noob Saibot
Successfully complete single player arcade mode and tag team mode with all default and bonus characters, except for Sektor. Then, successfully complete single player arcade mode on the hard or higher difficulty setting with Scorpion in the Reaper costume to unlock Noob Saibot.
Play As Reptile
Successfully complete single player arcade mode with all default fighters under the normal or higher difficulty setting to unlock Reptile.
Play As Sektor
Successfully complete tag mode the hard difficulty setting to unlock Sektor. Continues can be used. Also, play a linked game using Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition and Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance for the Game Boy Advance.
Note: Linking to the Gamecube version of the game has no effect.
Sektor's Moves
    Missile: Press Back, Forward, B.
    Teleport Uppercut: Press Back(2), B.
    Spin Kicks: Press Down, Back, A.
    Weapon Attack 1: Press Down, Front, A.
    Weapon Attack 2: Press Down, Forward, B.
    Weapon Attack 3: Press Down, Back, A.
Shang Tsung's Morphs
While playing as Shang Tsung, use the following moves to morph into another fighter:

    Sareena: Press Down(2), L.
    Johnny Cage: Press Forward(2), L.
    Raiden: Press Down, Away, L.
    Drahmin: Press Down, Up, L.
    Nitara: Press Forward, Away, L.
    Cyrax: Press Up(2), L.
    Quan Chi: Press Away, Forward, L.
    Scorpion: Press Away(2), L.
    Bo Rai Cho: Press Down, Forward, L.
Weapon Fatalities
A weapon fatality is basically a combo with the weapon the character uses. At the end, blood sprays and your opponent falls to the ground. The message "WEAPON FATALITY" then appears. The weapon fatality must be earned and is not available until it is unlocked. This fatality is also character specific, meaning each character's weapon fatality must be unlocked to use it. This requires unlocking them in Koffins or completing survival mode thirteen times.

    Scorpion: Press Up, Down, Kick.
    Johnny Cage: Press Up, Down, Kick.
    Sareena: Press Down, Up, Kick.
    Reptile: Press Up, Back, Kick.
    Nitara: Press Down(2), Punch.
    Hsu Hao: Press Up, Forward, Punch.
    Bo Rai Cho: Press Down, Back, Kick.
    Quan Chi: Press Down, Forward, Kick.
    Drahmin: Press Down(2), Kick.
    Mavado: Press Down, Back. Kick.
    Shang Tsung: Press Back(2), Punch.
    Raiden: Press Up, Down, Kick.
    Cyrax: Press Up(2), Punch.
    Sektor: Press Down(2), Kick.
    Noob Saibot: Press Up, Back, Kick.

To unlock Cyrax's weapon fatality, win 13 or more rounds in survivor mode.

To unlock Raiden's weapon fatality, win 10 or more rounds in survival mode.

To unlock Scorpion's weapon fatality, win 10 or more rounds in survival mode.

To unlock Sektor's weapon fatality, successfully complete the game on the normal difficulty setting in tag team mode using the following characters in this order: Sektor and Cyrax.

To unlock Shang Tsung's weapon fatality, successfully complete the game on the normal difficulty setting in tag team mode using the following characters in this order: Quan Chi and Shang Tsung.

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