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Wario Ware Inc: Mega Microgames Cheats


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Alternate Music In Jump Forever
Get over 100 points in Jump Forever to unlock three alternate songs the next time that mini-game is played.
Boss Mode
Successfully complete the game to unlock an option to fight just Bosses.
Chop With Jimmy
To chop up the piece of log, hit it when the bar reaches the red.
Dr. Wario Mini-game
Get 15 mails against Blue Jimmy to unlock the Dr. Wario mini-game.
Easy Mode
Defeat Wario to unlock the "Easy mode" option.
Fly Swatter Mini-game
Get 20 mails against Yellow Jimmy to unlock the Fly Swatter mini-game.
The following is a list of the characters with their genres:

    Jimmy: Sports
    9 Volt: Nintendo Classics
    Mona: Strange
    Dribble: Sci-Fi
    Dr Crygor: Reality
    Orbulon: IQ
    Kat: Nature
Hard Mode
Get at least 15 mails in Thrilling mode.
Hurdle With Jimmy
When you get to the hurdle, make sure there is no gap between you and the hurdle; otherwise you will not make it.
Intermission Bonus
During a break when it shows a character, press A and something will happen.
Music Test
At the options screen, choose the "Name Entry" selection. Select "Yes" to enter a name. Do not actually enter a name. Instead, press L to display the music test screen.
Paper Plane Mini-game
Successfully defeat Red Jimmy to unlock the Paper Plane mini-game.
Pyoro 2 Mini-game
Beat the challenge score on every Microgame to unlock the Pyoro 2 mini-game.
Pyoro Mini-game
Successfully complete the Wario stage to unlock the Pyoro mini-game. Alternately, unlock all of the mini-games for every character.
Scroll Faster On Grid
You can scroll through the writing faster on the grid by tapping or holding L or R.
Skip! With Jimmy
When you are on the three second game, jump where you have to jump the skipping rope. Note: When the rope is on the ground, jump. Do not jump when the rope is in the air.
Staff Mode
Successfully complete the game to unlock an option to view the game's developers.
Tennis With Jimmy
When you are on the tennis game, wait for the ball to bounce and then give it a whack.
Thrilling Mode
Successfully complete the game in easy mode with a high score to unlock the "Thrilling mode" option.
Wario's Sheriff Mini-game
Get 25 mails against Red Jimmy to unlock the Wario's Sheriff mini-game.

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