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The Thing Cheats


Cheat Codes

Note: This procedure involves editing a registry value; do not attempt this if you are not familiar with working with your system registry, as a mistake can cause serious problems with Windows. Start Regedit and use the "Registry/Export Registry File" menu option to create a backup copy of your original registry. Go to the following entry:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Computer Artworks/TheThing/1.0

Create a string value by selecting "Edit/New/String Value" menu option. Name it one of the following "String Value" names and press [Enter]. Right click on the "String Value" name entry that you just created, click "Modify" then type 1 at the "Value Data" field and press [Enter] to activate that code.
Note: Replace 1 with a 0 to disable an activated code. Exit and save the modified registry. Cheats will work after a new level is loaded -- loading a saved game will not activate them.

Infinite health for playerPlayerInvulnerable
Infinite health NPCsNPCInvulnerable
All weaponsFullWeaponEquip
Enable Game Saves

Note: This procedure involves editing a registry value; do not attempt this if you are not familiar with working with your system registry, as a mistake can cause serious problems with Windows. Start Regedit and use the "Registry/Export Registry File" menu option to create a backup copy of your original registry. Go to the following entry:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Computer Artworks/TheThing/1.0

Create a string value by selecting "Edit/New/String Value" menu option. Name it DoInGameLoadSave and press [Enter]. Right click on the "DoInGameLoadSave" entry, click "Modify" then type 1 at the "Value Data" field and press [Enter]. Exit and save the modified registry. "Load Game" and "Save Game" selections will now appear in the options menu when you press [Esc] during game play.
Note: Do not use "Load Game" option in that menu, as it does not work properly (go back to the main menu instead); however the save option works as expected. The saved game name will be called "TestGameName".

Hidden Trailer
Wait about one minute at the main menu to view a longer, uncut television trailer for the game.

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