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Unreal Tournament 2003 Cheats


Berserk Power-up
When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, tap forward (W) two times and back (S) two times to get a berserk power-up.
Boost Power-up
When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, tap back (S) four times to get a boost power-up.
Character Close-up
Enable the "behindview 1" code, then choose the Electric Sniper weapon. Click the Right Mouse Button to zoom in, and the view will focus on your character in a third person view close-up.
Cheat Codes
While playing a game in single player mode, press [Tab], then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Note: Codes must be reactivated after each level.

Result Cheat Code
God modegod
Flight modefly
No clipping modeghost
Disable flight and no clipping modeswalk
Full ammunitionallammo
All weaponsallweapons
All weapons and full ammunitionloaded
All botskillpawns
Toggle third person viewbehindview [0 or 1]
Change movement speed; default is 1.0slomo [0.1 to 2.0]
View frame ratestat fps
View network statusstat net
Underwater breathingamphibious
Toggle invisibilityinvisible [true or false]
Teleport to crosshair locationteleport
Win the current matchskipmatch
Jump to a specific match; for example, 12
is ladder 1, match 2
jumpmatch [integer number]
Change player size factorchangesize [floating point number]
Toggle camera locklockcamera
Unlock camera rotation from actorfreecamera [true or false]
Reset camera to view player; true for quiet,
false for sound
viewself [true or false]
Cycle camera through the viewable botsviewbot
View actor currently carrying flagviewflag
Change the camera view to indicated playerviewplayer [player]
Change the camera view to indicated actorviewactor [player]
Change the camera view to indicated classviewclass [player]
Kill actor the camera is currently viewing killviewedactor
Possess a pawn of indicated classavatar [class]
Spawn indicated itemsummon [item]
Set camera distance to its targetsetcameradist [floating point number]
Set gravitational pullsetgravity [floating point number]
Set jump heightsetjumpz [floating point number]
Multiply player water and ground speed by
indicated value
setspeed [floating point number]
Write all dynamic actors to log filelistdynamicactors
Pause the game for indicated durationfreezeframe [floating point number]
Set red color component of fogsetfogr [floating point number]
Set green color component of fogsetfogg [floating point number]
Set blue color component of fog setfogb [floating point number]
Set the duration a screen flash takes to fade
setflash [floating point number]
Trigger the indicated eventcauseevent [event name]
Toggle logging for all scripted sequenceslogsciptedsequences
Kill all actor pawns except the playerkillpawns
Kill everything of the indicated classkillall [class]
Kill all pawns of the indicated classkillallpawns [class]
Toggle the level to players onlyplayersonly
Toggle view to indicated actorcheatview [actor]
Write the string :"NOW!" to
the game log
Test jumping reviewjumpspots [transloc, jump,
combo or lowgrav]
Invisibility Power-up
When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, tap right strafe (D) two times and left strafe (A) two times to get invisibility.
Redeemer Weapon (demo Version)

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "user.ini" file in the "system" folder in the game directory. Add the following line:

    Z=set XWeapons.Rocketlauncher FireModeClass class'XWeapons.RedeemerFire'
Skeletal Remains
Get killed by the fire found in the environment and your remains will be skeletal instead of flesh.
Speed Power-up
When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, tap forward (W) four times for a speed power-up.

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