Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 Cheats
All Bikes At the main menu, press Up, Left, Down, Right, Down(2), Right, Down(2), Left, Square to unlock all bikes. |
All FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Up, Left, Down, Right, Left(2), Right, Left, Up, Down, Square to unlock all FMV sequences. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
All Objects In Park Editor At the main menu, press Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Up(2), Down, Right(2), Square to unlock all objects in park editor. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
All Themes In Park Editor At the main menu, press Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Up, Down, Right, Left(2), Square to unlock all themes in park editor. |
Amish Guy Moves At the main menu, press Left, Right, Up(2), Right, Down, Right(2), Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Cheat Mode At the main menu, press Up, Right, Down, Left, Right(2), Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Left, Right, Right, Down, Square to unlock most bonuses in the game. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Colin Mackay Bikes At the main menu, press Down(2), Right(5), Up, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Colin Mackay Levels At the main menu, press Up(2), Right, Left, Up, Right(2), Up, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Colin Mackay Moves At the main menu, press Left, Right(2), Up, Left, Right(2), Up, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Colin Mackey FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(2), Right(2), Down(2), Right, Up, Square. |
Colin Mackey's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down, Right, Down, Up, Right(2), Up, Square. |
Dave Mirra Bikes At the main menu, press Down(2), Up, Right, Up, Right, Up(2), Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Dave Mirra Levels At the main menu, press Up(3), Right, Up, Left, Up(2), Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Dave Mirra Move At the main menu, press Left, Right, Up(2), Left, Right, Up(2), Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Dave Mirra's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up(2), Square. |
Dave Mirra's FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(2), Up, Right, Up, Left, Up(2), Square. |
Joey Garcia Bikes At the main menu, press Down(2), Up, Right, Left(2), Down, Right, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Joey Garcia FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(2), Up(2), Down, Right, Down, Square. |
Joey Garcia Levels At the main menu, press Up(4), Down(3), Right, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Joey Garcia Moves At the main menu, press Left, Right, Up, Right, Down, Up, Down, Right, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Joey Garcia's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right, Square. |
John Englebert Bikes At the main menu, press Down(2), Left, Up, Left, Up, Left(2), Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
John Englebert Levels At the main menu, press Up(2), Left, Down, Right, Down, Left(2), Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
John Englebert Moves At the main menu, press Left, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up, Left(2), Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Kenan Harkin Bikes At the main menu, press Down(2), Left, Up, Down, Right, Down(2), Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Kenan Harkin FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(4), Right(2), Down(2), Square. |
Kenan Harkin Levels At the main menu, press Up(2), Left, Left, Down, Up, Down(2), Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Kenan Harkin Moves At the main menu, press Left, Right, Left, Down, Up, Down(3), Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Kenan Harkin's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Up, Down, Up, Square. |
Leigh Ramsdell Bikes At the main menu, press Down(3), Up, Left, Left, Down, Left, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Leigh Ramsdell FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Down, Left, Square. |
Leigh Ramsdell Levels At the main menu, press Up(2), Down, Up, Left, Down(2), Left, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Leigh Ramsdell Moves At the main menu, press Left, Right, Down, Left(2), Right, Down, Left, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Leigh Ramsdell's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down(2), Left, Down(3), Left, Square. |
Luc-E's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Right, Left(2), Square. |
Mike Laird Bikes At the main menu, press Down(2), Right, Left, Down, Up(2), Right, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Mike Laird Levels At the main menu, press Up(2), Right, Down(2), Right, Up, Right, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Mike Laird Move At the main menu, press Left, Right(3), Left, Right, Up, Right, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Mike Laird's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right(2), Left, Square. |
Mike Laird's FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(2), Right, Up(2), Right, Up, Right, Square. |
Play As Amish Guy At the main menu, press Up, Left, Down, Right(2), Left, Left, Down, Up, Left, Square to unlock Amish Guy. |
Play As Mike Dias At the main menu, press Up, Left, Down, Right(2), Left, Up, Down, Up, Right, Square to unlock Mike Dias. |
Rick Moliterno Bikes At the main menu, press Down(2), Up, Left, Right(2), Left, Up, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Rick Moliterno FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(2), Up, Down, Right, Left(2), Up, Square. |
Rick Moliterno Levels At the main menu, press Up(3), Down, Right, Right, Left, Up, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Rick Moliterno Moves At the main menu, press Left, Right, Up(3), Down, Left, Up, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Rick Moliterno's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down, Up(4), Left, Up, Square. |
Ryan Nyquist Bikes At the main menu, press Down(5), Right, Up, Down, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Ryan Nyquist Levels At the main menu, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Up, Down, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Ryan Nyquist Move At the main menu, press Left, Right, Down(3), Up(2), Down, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Ryan Nyquist's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down(2), Left, Down, Up(2), Down, Square. |
Ryan Nyquist's FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(2), Down, Right, Down, Right, Up, Down, Square. |
Scott Wirch Bikes At the main menu, press Down(2), Right, Up, Down(2), Left, Right, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Scott Wirch FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(2), Right, Up(3), Left, Right, Square. |
Scott Wirch Levels At the main menu, press Up(2), Right, Up, Left(3), Right, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Scott Wirch Moves At the main menu, press Left, Right(3), Up, Down, Left, Right, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Scott Wirch's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down, Right, Down, Up, Right(2), Up, Square. |
Slim Jim Moves At the main menu, press Left, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Left, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Tim Mirra Bikes At the main menu, press Down(2), Right, Left, Down, Right, Down, Up, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Tim Mirra Levels At the main menu, press Up(2), Right, Down, Right, Left, Down, Up, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Tim Mirra Moves At the main menu, press Left, Right(2), Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Tim Mirra's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down, Right, Left(2), Up, Down, Up, Square. |
Tim Mirra's FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(2), Right, Up, Down, Left, Down, Up, Square. |
Todd Lyons Bikes At the main menu, press Down(4), Left, Right, Left, Down, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Todd Lyons FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(2), Down, Up(2), Right, Left, Down, Square. |
Todd Lyons Levels At the main menu, press Up(2), Down, Up, Right(2), Left, Down, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Todd Lyons Moves At the main menu, press Left, Right, Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Down, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Todd Lyons' Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down(2), Right, Up, Left(2), Down, Square. |
Troy McMurray Bikes At the main menu, press Down(2), Left, Down, Right, Left, Up, Left, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Troy McMurray Levels At the main menu, press Up(2), Left, Up(2), Right, Up, Left, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Troy McMurray Move At the main menu, press Left, Right, Left(2), Up, Down, Up, Left, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Troy McMurray's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down, Left, Down, Right, Left, Up, Left, Square. |
Troy McMurray's FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(3), Down, Up, Right, Up, Left, Square. |
Zach Shaw Bikes At the main menu, press Down(2), Left, Down, Up, Right(2), Down, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Zach Shaw FMV Sequences At the main menu, press Left(3), Right, Left, Down, Right, Down, Square. |
Zach Shaw Levels At the main menu, press Up(2), Left, Right, Down(2), Right, Down, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Zach Shaw Moves At the main menu, press Left, Right, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Zach Shaw's Competition Outfit At the main menu, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Down(2), Right, Down, Square. |
Gameshark Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 Hacks | Master Code (Must Be On) | EC88A4BC 14443A68 | All Bikes/Outfit - CM | 4CB825A0 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - DM | 4CB8F640 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - JG | 4CB810B8 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - KH | 4CB80B28 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - LE | 4CB81D10 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - LR | 4CB80CF0 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - RM | 4CB81480 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - RN | 4CB8FB08 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - SJG | 4CB82D30 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - SW | 4CB821D8 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - TL | 4CB81848 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - TM | 4CB80760 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - TMM | 4CB8FFD0 1456E5A2 | All Bikes/Outfit - ZS | 4CB82968 1456E5A2 |