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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheats


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While playing a game, press R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Find the large single hanger at the end of the main runway at the Las Venturas airport. Approach it and it will open. The AT-400 jumbo jet will be inside at certain times. It can climb to the highest altitude possible in the game.

Go to the northeastern part of the Las Venturas airport, where a huge hanger with a green door is located. When you walk up to it, the door will open downward to reveal an AT-400 airliner. When you see it, there will be a platform to the left of the plane that you can go on. When you get onto the platform, go to the plane and press Triangle to enter it and fly around.

Aggressive Traffic
While playing a game, press R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, R2, L2. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Note: This code cannot be disabled without restarting your game. Additionally, this code will also increase police activity.
Air Raid Mission
Enable the "Slow motion" code to get a better shot at the RC planes. Enable the "Destroy all cars" code repeatedly to pass the mission.
Area 69 In Bone County
Get in any land or air vehicle and drive or fly to the abandoned air field in the region of Las Venturas. To the south from here, there is a little area that is a "no fly zone". If flown over, a mysterious five star wanted level will appear. This is because the area is a government agency secret base that holds several heavy and speedy army vehicles. You can also find this area in the middle part of the region of Las Venturas on the map included with the game.
Armor, Health, Money, And Street Creds
While playing a game, press R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Note: You must enter this code multiple times to increase your street creds. If this code is enabled when your car is smoking or damaged it will get repaired. During various missions where you are in a car while someone else drives and you shoot (for example, Reuniting The Families), enabling this code will instead blow the car up, failing the mission.
Go to the small sandy beach in San Fierro. When on the beach, you should see a small pier or dock. Go on the left side of the pier look around the corner to find a Bandito.
Go to Las Ventura and look on The Strip to find the Banshee. Additionally, a Banshee can always be found parked by the Gym in the Garcia area of San Fierro.
Barbara Bonuses In Dating Missions
Reach 50% progress with Barbara. After getting busted, you will still have your weapons and not lose money. Reach 100% progress with Barbara. The police uniform will now appear in your wardrobe and you will get the keys to her Ranger.
Baseball Bat In San Fierro
You can find a baseball bat at the baseball diamond in San Fierro at home plate, across the street from Zero's RC Shop.
Basketball Challenge Mini-game
Go to one of the basketball courts that have full courts and a chain link fence round them. One of the hoops will have a basketball. Walk up to the basketball and press Triangle to start playing. While playing basketball, press R3 to start the Basketball Challenge mini-game. A red marker will appear on the court. Run to the red marker and shoot the ball. If you make the shot, the red marker will move to a new spot on the court. The goal of the mini-game is to sink as many shots as you can before time runs out. Each shot you make adds a few seconds on to the clock. When time runs out, CJ will automatically resume playing basketball. Your highest score will be recorded and shown the next time you play the Basketball Challenge mini-game.
Basketball Tricks
While playing basketball, press Circle to spin the ball on your finger. Press Square to roll the ball along your shoulders.
This airplane can be found at the airports at San Fierro and Las Venturas.
Beat The Cock Mission
This is a triathlon. Go to Santa Maria beach in Los Santos and wait until the weekend (press L1 to see the current day). Then, go to the lighthouse. You will see a little red marker which will start the mission.
Note: You must be in very good shape to win. The reward is $10,000. Also, next to Palomino Creek is a beach that is part of Fisher's Lagoon. The one attached to that is part of Palomino Creek (if you are looking on a map it is the second largest of them all, and has a dock). Go to it. On there will be a red circle. Enter it to start the mission. You should have full muscle and stamina because it is a swimming race. If you have good stats, you will complete the mission.
Bet On Horses
Near the Downtown and Mulholland Intersection areas (under the highway, next to the big parking lot), is a building called Inside Track Betting (with red/pink/blue posters). The entrance is just in front of it, and you can play a horse race game. You first bet on one of the horse to win, then the amount of money. Afterwards you can see the race.
Bicycle Catches On Fire
If a bicycle is upside down, it will catch on fire. However, it is very difficult to get bicycle to stay upside down.
Big Jump With Bicycle
While on a bike, pedal at full speed at an oncoming car. Bunny hop onto the hood and you will launch yourself in the air.
Big Smoke Mission
Instead of holding X to pedal your bike to get away from the red Ballas car, tap X rapidly. CJ will stand and pump on the pedals, allowing you to ride faster, and keep up with Sweet on the uphill areas.
Billboard Message In Reuniting The Families Mission
Along the highway in Los Santos is an advertisement on a billboard. It has a woman on it with a can of pop on the side of her labeled Sprunk. Under that, it reads "A taste of things to come". At the end of the Reuniting The Families mission, your car will go through that billboard, changing the writing at the bottom to read "A taste of come".
Black Traffic
While playing a game, press Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Body Harvest Mission
Take a bike to the farm and ride to the back of the farm using an indirect route, bypassing the survivalists in the fields and tractors. Quickly steal the harvester, then run over the survivalists that are on foot between you and the road back. Try to overturn the pickups that are in your way. If they are still following you on the road, do a drive by when one is next to you to kill the gunman on the truck bed. The Harvester can take quite a bit of damage. Hit the pickup until it catches on fire, then get away.
Bounty On Your Head
While playing a game, press Down, Up(2), Up, X, R2, R1, L2(2). If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Note: This code cannot be disabled without restarting your game.
Boxing Moves In Los Santos
Go inside the gym and defeat its owner to learn boxing style attacks.
Brass Knuckles In Los Santos
When you first start the game, go to the underpass two doors from your house in the Ganton area. There are brass knuckles in the grass.
Breaking Fences
Walk up to a fence and either punch it or cut it with a chainsaw.
Bulletproof Sabre
Buy the house in Dillimore and make sure that the garage is empty. In the mission Tanker Commander mission that you get from Catalina, there is a completely armored Sabre available. Instead of getting in the truck, go turn around and go around the side of the gas station. The Sabre that is used to try to disconnect the trailer is sitting there, locked. You can either push it by running into it or push it with the truck. Push it down the street you are on to your garage and kill Catalina. Then, push it into your garage and let it close. When you go back to it, you will find that it is fireproof, bulletproof, and dent-proof.
Bulletproof Savanna In High Stakes, Low Rider Mission
After completing the mission, Cesar and his Savanna will remain at the finish line, but the doors will be locked. Use another vehicle to push the car to your garage. The doors will now be unlocked and the car remains bulletproof.
Bulletproof Savanna
After completing the High Stakes, Low Rider mission, Cesar and his Savanna will remain at the finish line, but the doors will be locked. Use another vehicle to push the car to your garage. The doors will now be unlocked and the car will remain bulletproof.
Bulletproof Tahoma
In the House Party mission, your hood gets attacked by the Ballas. They will arrive in two Tahoma. Successfully complete the mission without getting too far away from the cars. Then, push either or both Tahomas into the garage of the Johnson house.
Successfully complete driving school with at least all silver awards to unlock the Bullet. Alternately, look for the burger shop in the Juniper Hollow area in the north part of San Fierro, west of the church. The Bullet is located in the parking lot right across from the entrance.

Successfully complete the Import/Export missions. The Bullet will be available for import after you have delivered all cars to the Green Basin Harbor.

A Bullet can always be found parked by the D. Flour Bakery in the Doherty area of San Fierro.

Bunny Hop Very High With Bicycle
Use the following trick to jump as high as a telephone pole on a bicycle (bunny hop). A few or more tries may be required to learn the correct timing of the buttons. First, make sure you have a machine gun. Hold L1 to set up for a bunny hop. Then, release L1 and immediately press Circle to fire your machine gun. If done correctly, the bike hops many times higher into the air than normal. It is possible to jump over a two story building from flat ground by doing this.
Burger Shot Asset In Las Venturas
Some of the Burger Shots have a timed delivery mission where you must send packages on a Faggio. Complete them to gain that restaurant as an asset.
Burglary Missions
In the Ganton area of Los Santos, go towards the gym that is just a block south of the Binco store and the bar. Across the street from the gym and to the south, you should see a van parked next to a house. It is a boxcar. After 20:00, jump in and you can go on burglary missions until sunrise.
Buy Hotdogs From Dead Vendor In Los Santos
Go to the end of the pier with a Ferris wheel. Enable the "Weapons" code and obtain a rocket launcher. Find the hot dog stand at the far end. Shoot it with a rocket launcher. Jump in the water under the pier, and you should see the stand floating in the water. You can still buy hotdogs, even the vendor is dead.
Camera In Los Santos
Go in CJ's bedroom. There will be a camera beside the bed. Also, once you complete a certain mission, there will also be a can of spray paint in there.
Candy Suxxx Reference
Some of the safe houses you can purchase have a familiar picture of adult film star Candy Suxxx on the wall, who originally appeared in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
Cane In Los Santos
Go behind to the Vinewood sign. Search behind the "V" to find a cane that can be used as a melee weapon.
Cargobob Helicopter
Go to the restricted area in Bone County. Inside you will find a Cargobob helicopter, Rhino tanks and a Patriot. If you go to the center of base you will find a steel vent on the ground. Destroy it, and you can go inside and turn off the SAM sites surrounding the base. You should now be able to fly out in the chopper. Alternately, go to KACC Military Fuels at the top of Las Venturas.
Note: You need a Patriot to do this trick. If you have done the mission for the Heist strand called Up, Up, and Away, this is the location of KACC Military Fuels. Once there, take your Patriot and drive through the front gates. No one is there, and you will not get shot. Note: If it does not let you through, take a ramp truck and put it near the gate. Then, run up it and jump the fence. Once you are inside, get out of your vehicle, go to your left, and go inside the hangar (round building) and walk through to the other end. You will end up back outside. Once you are outside in the back of the Military Fuels area, make a right and run towards the stairs that you see. Walk up those stairs, and when you get to the top, the Cargobob will be on the heli-pad. Get in it without any stars or police after you. To make this easier, just take a plane there and parachute out. However, make sure to land on the helipad.

The Cargobob Helicopter can also be found where you found the Levitation in the mission for Woozie, at the military fueling area. It not too far from the Twin Dragon Casino. You will probably need another flying vehicle to get into the fueling area.

Catalyst Mission
When you reach the train, do not bother getting out of your car. Drive around the pinned down Groves and run into the Vagos. Drive into the train tunnel to turn around if needed. After all the ones on the ground are killed, exit the car and shoot the one on the train. Then, get back into your car and run over the arriving Ballas. If your car begins smoking, park it next to the Ballas car to create an explosion that should kill them all. Then, get on the train as instructed. Quickly toss the ammo crates to Ryder. There is an unlimited number of them onboard so you do not have to waste time getting a perfect target. You may want to change the "Invert Look Controls" setting to make this less confusing. Remember to change the setting back after all the crates are tossed.
Chain Gun In San Fierro
There is a chain gun on Point Kinclad (big red train tracks in San Fierro). Take a helicopter or the Jetpack and fly onto the first arch leaving San Fierro to go to Las Venturas to find it.
Chainsaw In Los Santos
Follow the train tracks south towards the Ocean Docks area. Along the way you should see some tire piles. Look around the stacks and you will find a chainsaw.
Go to Las Ventura and look on The Strip to find the Cheetah.
Cleaning The Hood Mission
Do not bother using fighting moves on the crack dealer outside. A single shot from your pistol will bring him down. Once inside the crack den, use the pistol again to take down the targets quickly.
Note: Shoot the man with the bat first.
Climb Mt. Chiliad Faster In Whetstone
Get a BMX bike and go to Mt. Chiliad. Ride up the mountain (not on the road). Tap as hard as you can with the BMX bike, and you will be able to climb the mountain faster.
Climbing Trees
To climb a tree, find a ledge that will allow you to jump to the branches at the top of a tree. If you hit them correctly, CJ should grab onto the branches and allow you to pull him up. There is an easily accessible one just outside of Glen Park Hospital to practice with.
Cloudy Weather
While playing a game, press R2, X, L1(2), L2(3), Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
In Los Santos, when you get the trucking missions unlocked for the gas station, across from that in a lot of high grass is a combine and a lawn mower; or tractor in the field with a combine. The combine is usually locked.
Commit Suicide
While playing a game, press Right, L2, Down, R1, Left(2), R1, L1, L2, L1. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Create Ball And Chain With Bulldozer
Go to the construction yard near San Fierro. Go past the crane and turn left after the first hangar. Behind that, you will see a towtruck, Get in and drive towards the Bulldozer. Hook up the Bull Dozer. Drive up the hill to where there is an open area. Then, turn very sharp to either the left or the right. The Bulldozer will fling around, pulling the tow truck with it. For even more fun, get three or more tow trucks and hook them all up into a line. With three or more, the Bulldozer acts like a ball and chain flailing around.
This plane will spawn in Bone County. Start at the entrance of the Hunter quarry, then walk over the dirt road into Bone County. On your right side will be a shack. Behind this shack is the Cropduster. Press R3 to get fertilizer for the crops (white smoke) out of it.
DRIV3R Reference In Madd Dogg's Rhymes Mission
Just before you sneak past Madd Dogg, he will say "Tanner you suck! damn you, Refractions, how could you mess up so bad?!" This is a reference to DRIV3R, only they changed "Reflections" to "Refractions".
Dancing Packer
Find a Packer. Move the Right Analog-stick Down so that the railing moves up. Then, get out and walk up the ramp. You will either do one of two things. You will stop but remain walking (if this happens, jump); or you will walk straight. As soon as you get under the top ramp, the packer will do some crazy things, such as tilt so that only one side of tires is touching the ground.
Decapitated CJ
After obtaining a katana, find a two player icon and activate multi-player mode. Have player two decapitate CJ. Exit out of two player mode, and CJ will have no head. Additionally, play in two player mode with Denise and have the other player cut off your head. You will lose the mission, but then can continue playing without a head and bleed forever.
Denise Bonuses In Dating Missions
Reach 50% progress with Denise. You will get the keys to the Hustler car in her yard. Reach 100% progress with Denise. The pimp outfit will now appear in your wardrobe.
Descend Quickly
When stuck at the top of a cliff or mountain and you need to go to the bottom, do not bother going the long way around to get down safely. Instead, edge yourself to the end of the cliff/mountain and slowly but surely you will slide down the side and land safely at the bottom.
Destroy All Cars
While playing a game, press R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Destroying Cars Quickly
To quickly blow up cars, shoot the gas tank. This is useful when killing a lot of people at once.
Devoted Bodyguard
Start two player mode and get on a skyscraper. Have one player on the edge of the building and the other player directly behind him. Have the player on the edge jump off, and immediately afterwards have the other in the same spot jump off. As soon as one player lands, the second one will follow and land on him. You will now notice that the second player will have almost full health, using the first player as a cushion.
Dildo And Nightstick Weapons In Los Santos
Enter the police station in the Pershing Square area of Los Santos. Walk around inside the police station to find the shower/bathroom. In there you will find a large purple dildo that can be used to hit people. There is also a PR-24 (nightstick) in the police station as well. You can pick up the dildo and the PR-24 without anything happening, but when you take the shotgun you will get two stars on your wanted meter.

Go to the small town of Dillimore near Red County. Find the police station with the garage opened up outside. Unequip your weapon and enter the police station by walking over the entrance marker. Once inside, proceed into the hallway ahead of you and take the first right into a locker room. In this locker room will be body armor and a night stick. Keep walking behind the locker room, and there will be an opening in the wall with a large walk-in shower. Proceed into the shower and take an immediate right. You will see a pink dildo spinning. You can pick this up as your melee weapon and begin dildo-bashing people.

Go to any airport except the Abandoned Airstrip to find the Dodo airplane.
Double SMG Ammunition
Go into an Ammu-Nation and enter the shooting range. Press Triangle as soon as it starts to exit the shooting range. If you were carrying an SMG at the time, your ammunition will have doubled. Repeat this trick to get as much as needed.
Drive Around With Parachute
Go to the top of Mt. Chiliad with a parachute. If you cannot find one, there is one on top of the mountain near a Camper and a Journey. Equip your parachute and jump on the mountain bike. You should trigger the downhill race. Then, jump off the edge with the bike, but before you jump off and deploy your parachute. You should spawn back on top with the bike, but with your parachute still deployed.
Drive On Water
While playing a game, press Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Drive Thru Mission
Try to get in front of the Ballas car and trap it into a wall or building. Your partners will shoot it until it catches on fire. Get your car away from it before it explodes.
Drive-By Mission
After approaching each group of targets, just continue to drive around the block normally. There is no reason to damage your car trying to reverse or spin back around. The targets do not run far. Simply drive normally around the block until your partners can start shooting them again. With the last group of Balla's, drive your car down the path and through the tunnel to run them over. Turn around and repeat until they are all dead.
Note: Since this mission is not timed, you can drive carefully to a Pay N' Spray between drive-bys to get your car's health bar restored. You will eventually have to go to the Pay N' Spray anyway at the end of the mission to lower your wanted level.
Note: That visit will be complimentary, but any others will be charged.
Dual Weapons
Reach the "Hitman" rank in a weapon skill to be able to wield two of that weapon at once. To increase your weapon skill, practice at the shooting range or use that weapon frequently. You can dual wield pistols, the sawed off shotgun, Uzi, and Tek.
Easily Complete Paramedic Missions
Go Angel Pike, which is located in the southeast area of the main map. In the northeast part of Angel Pike is a medical building with an Ambulance next to it. Get in it and start the missions. All the victims will appear in the city, which is very small. The farthest person will only be about ten seconds away from the drop off point. You can complete the missions in less then ten minutes by doing this. Also, the cops do not appear very often, allowing your wanted level to remain low.
Easily Complete Vigilante Missions
Use the Rhino to complete the vigilante missions easier.
Easily Max Lung Capacity
Dive underwater, and once your breath is out, you will start losing health. If you want to stay underwater, keep enabling the "Armor, health, money, and street creds" code when your health is low. You will be able to remain underwater, and max your Lung Capacity attribute easily.
Easy Hitman Rating In Los Santos
This trick requires a controller in port two. To get an easy Hitman rating for either the 9 mm pistol or shotgun, go to the Los Santos Police Department. Note the two player icon across the street. Quickly enter the Police Department. Run and ignore any cops shooting at you and get the armor in the locker room. It is the first room on your right. There is an available pistol in the room on the right, at the far end of the hall. Proceed to dispose of the police using your pistol. If you need ammunition, the cops will drop a gun after you kill them. Your weapon skill will quickly raise as you kill the swarms of police that come after you. Continue shooting until your armor level becomes low or is gone. Then, run to the far end of the police station hall, down the stairs, and into the holding cells. In the middle cell is more armor. Use it and continue your massacre until your armor is once again depleted. Next, quickly run out of the door and across the street to the two player icon. Press R3 on controller two to enter two player mode. Simply kill the second player and your wanted level will be gone and your health will be refilled. Repeat this to gain Hitman status or simply gain ammunition.
Note: Hitman status with the pistols will allow duel wielding, faster firing, improved accuracy, lock-on range increased and faster strafing. There is also a shotgun hidden in the police station in the room on your left as you enter, then to the room at the right at the end of that one. The shotgun may not respawn as soon as you enter, but in at least 60 seconds one should appear. You can use this available shotgun to reach Hitman status with.
Note: Hitman status with the shotgun only gives you improved accuracy, move while firing, faster firing rate and lock-on range increased -- not duel wielding. Duel wielding can only be achieved with the sawed-off shotgun.

To raise your weapon skills quickly, enter a dance club, such as the "Alhambra" in the Idlewood area. Begin shooting people with the weapon of your choice. Doing so during the afternoon or night hours (12:00 to 04:00) greatly increases the amount of people that respawn in the club. Since so many people spawn, you have a virtually limitless amount of people to "train" with. Doing so however, raises your wanted level greatly. Enable the "Lower wanted level" code or know where the police bribes are, as you will need them.

Go to the actual beach part of the Verona Beach area. Start shooting with the desired gun. The cops will arrive after awhile, but you can make them go away or just kill them for more. Keep doing this until the desired gun is at Hitman level. It is possible to get four weapons up to Hitman level in about an hour.

Walk out from CJ's house and make sure there a car in his garage. Use any weapon to shoot the car in the garage until it catches on fire. Walk away and let the garage close Then, open it and repeat the steps. You can do this with any weapon to get an easy Hitman level.

Go into the bar near CJ's house in the Ganton area. Kill everyone there and try to get a two or three star wanted level. Start killing the police that come through the door. When no one remains, turn around and look. They should be there.

Drive to the Burger restaurant where OG Loc is working. Mark the location of the Pay 'N' Spray near the beach closest to this spot on your map. Go into the restaurant with a two or three star wanted level. Order food if needed, then hold the place up. Everyone will crouch down into a fetal position. You may kill them if desired, as they have some money. The police will morph into the building but they will be in the same position as the customers. They will not shoot you, never stop coming in (usually seven at a time). You have all the time needed to reach Hitman status on any gun. Make sure you have at least 400 bullets or more. You may also go back out and immediately return if you get hungry, but you must hurry to the counter. Sometimes the police will be eating there and they will shoot at you immediately. However, as soon as you aim your gun, they will stop, but the food will not be available if this is done. When you are finished, make sure all seven officers are alive in the building (this seems to cause less police shooting at you on the outside), then hold X + Left Analog-stick Right to run around to the back of the building. There are always two vehicles parked here. Take one and make two rights then a left to the Pay 'N' Spray. Wait inside until the flashing stars disappear. Do this for two weapons and you will have over half your reputation easily.

Easy Money In Los Santos
From the Johnson house in the Ganton area, go straight until you are in the front yard of the house opposite of yours. Turn right, and go behind it by going between that house and the one next to it. Go in the backyard until you are in the corner. You should see a pistol. Take it, then get back to Grove Street. If you see man, usually in black, that is standing there with his arms crossed, shoot him. He usually carries about $2,000 or more and a pistol, because he is a drug dealer. Repeat this to get easy money. Kill him quickly before he shoots you. It is possible to get $50,000 in one day by doing this.

Upon exiting the Johnson house in Grove Street, walk straight toward the house opposite of yours, which is the one that sometimes has the BMX bike in the front yard, until you are in the grass. Go to your right between that house and the one next to it. Walk toward the corner and get the pistol. Go back to Grove Street and find a drug dealer. He is dressed in black with his hands crossed down at his hips. You will know he is a drug dealer because if you face him, he will try to do business. You will get a pop-up display in the top-right part of your screen on how to respond to him, even though you cannot actually buy anything. If you shoot and kill him, he drops $2,000 dollars or more, and a gun just like that one you picked up. Note: He will shoot back -- try to get a headshot. There is another drug dealer that is wearing a white hooded sweatshirt that does the same thing. He can usually be found up in the northeast part of Los Santos. You can find these dealers all over Los Santos in the areas littered with gangs.

Go to the building with the parachute. When you get to the top, spawn a Caddy. Get in and drive slowly towards the edge of the building, then just fall off. You will begin to flip slowly. However, if you nudge the edge of the building, the Caddy will spin and flip like crazy. When you hit the ground, you will get a very large insane stunt bonus.

Find the Inside Track Betting building in the Downtown area. Bet the maximum amount on the horse with the worst odds. If you lose, reload the game and try again. When you win, it will be a substantial amount.

Go to the Pig Pen Strip Club. You can jump on the big stage with the srtipper. Stand directly in front of her, and people will throw $100 to her each time, which you can collect. Be very careful not to touch her, or the guards will start shooting at you.
Note: This cheat takes awhile -- eat before you go.

Get a weapon, then stand outside the your house in the Ganton area. Shoot your homies (wearing green). Some of them will drop a lot of money. Pick it up, and if you have a wanted level go inside and save the game. Repeat this to get a large amount of money.

This trick requires maximum bike skill for both motorcycles and a regular bike. Go to the highest building in Los Santos, the circular one, and jump off using either the motorcycle or bike. While you are in mid-air, you can spin for a little bit or try to do a back flip. Stay on the bikes until you land and you will receive an insane stunt bonus for over $200.

Easy Money In San Fierro
Do the valet side-quest missions. You will be awarded a $ spot, where periodically you can claim free money.
Easy Money In Whetstone
Get to Mt. Chiliad and go behind the RVs. Pick up the parachute and get on the mountain bike, which will start a challenge. Go off the ramp to the right and get off of your bike in mid-air. Pull the parachute and you will not hit the ground, but instead be put back on the bike with the chute still open. You can keep going off the ramp repeatedly to get as much money as desired.
Easy Money
In order to waste time to allow money to accumulate without dealing with CJs eating needs, simply press Triangle in front of the television in your hideout. His health will remain constant, without him needing to eat. You can leave the PlayStation 2 idling in this state to accumulate money easily.

Find a save point that is close to a betting shop. The one in the Montgomery are is ideal because it is near to the save point where you have to do the four missions for Catalina. Save your game, then go to the betting shop and bet all your money on a horse. It takes awhile to enter the numbers, but is worth it because you can make a huge amount of cash (especially if you bet on horses with odds of 10/1, 11/1, 12/1, etc.). It takes roughly three to four minutes to bet the maximum amount of money, which is $9,999,995. You will not win every time. When you lose, reload your last saved game. It is possible to get $250,000,000 by betting your winnings of $30,000 to $700.000 to $2,000,000 to the maximum bet.

Easy Races
Before a race, enable the "Pedestrians riot" code. The racers will start fighting with fans and you can finish in first without even trying.
Easy Stamina Upgrade In Los Santos
Go to the Ganton Gym in Los Santos. Go to the bicycle and start at level 1. Work your way up to level 10. After awhile it will say that you have worked to your limit and to return. Keep pedaling and your stamina will start to increase.
Easy Weapons In Los Santos
Drive around and hit Ballas. When they are dead, pick up their guns then get back in your car and find more. This will get you a lot of weapons very fast.
Eating Too Much
If you eat too much in a restaurant you will vomit on the floor and the cashier will laugh at you. After this happens, you cannot eat again for a while.
Exceed Garage Limit
When you want to park a car in a garage but the game states that you cannot store another vehicle, you drive the car near the garage and get out. Then, hop in the car and drive in.
Expand And Shrink Moon
Use a sniper rifle to shoot the moon to make it expand, then shrink in size.
Explosive Situation Mission
Go into the quarry and shoot the two workers that are featured the opening sequence at the detonation controls. This will stop the countdown and you can take your time getting the dynamite. Run over the dynamite crates with the giant dump truck to beak them open and get the explosives.
Extra Car Storage Space In Bone County
Once you have purchased the abandoned airfield in the Verdtant Meadows area, locate the massive garage directly opposite the house that is there. It may not look like a garage as it is a hanger for airplanes, but it is a perfect location to store a large number of cars.
Eyes On Remington
While in San Fierro, steal a Remington. While in the car, turn on your tail lights. In certain lighting you will notice two eyes staring at you (eye brows, eye lashes, and eyes).
Successfully complete bike school with at least all silver awards to unlock the FCR-900.
Fall Off Building And Live In San Fierro
Go to the Big Pointy Building (the one with a parachute) in the Downtown area and jump off. Open your parachute and land. Go back up to the top. This time, you will not get a parachute. Jump off. Before you hit the ground, you will hit the side of the building and slide down. When you are close to the ground, you should hit one of the many slanted poles that hold up the building. This will slow you down enough so that you only lose about one sixth of your health.
Note: Sometimes you will not hit a slanted pole and lose more health or die.
Fall Through Ground In Los Santos
There is a property to buy directly above Madd Dogg's mansion in the Mullholland area. You do not have to have buy it; just go there. In the back is a waterless pool and a wall on the east side. Walk up against it and you will fall through an invisible wall and continue falling until you reappear back on the ground. You can use the Jetpack to fly around in blue hell.
Fall To Death In Blackness
Go into a Cluck N' Bell and jump behind the counter. Then, jump on the counter so that if you move you cannot get off of it. Keep jumping up into the ceiling by pressing Square.If done correctly, you should find yourself on a black screen, falling to your death.
Farewell My Love Mission
As the race begins, instead of going forward, turn around and go straight. You will be jumping off a cliff, but if you can land your car successfully you will be on your way. Keep driving straight into the town. Take a right turn at the first right you see. If you have already done the race you should know where to go. Follow the road and take another right. You will then be driving across a small bridge. Turn left on the small dirt road and park your car at the end of the bridge. Since you are allowed only 25 seconds out of your car, you must do this quickly. Once out of your car, run to the middle of the bridge. Enable the "Spawn Rhino" code, which should block the bridge. Do this as many times as desired, but be aware that the other cars will show up sometime around three minutes. When the cars appear, make sure to have the rocket launcher out before getting in your car. When the cars show up, they will drive into the creek/river. Quickly get out of your car and fire multiple rockets at them. Do this very quickly. You can then complete the race with no competitors.
Fast Motion
While playing a game, press Triangle, Up, Right, Down, L2, L1, Square. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Faster Cars
While playing a game, press Right, R1, Up, L2(2), Left, R1, L1, R1(2). If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Faster Progress With Denise In Dating Missions
Enable the "Speed up time" code, then wait outside her house. The red circle will appear quicker, and your bar goes up faster.
Faster Progress With Millie In Dating Missions
Go on a date in your Gimp Suit. You will go directly inside and will not have to go to any dating destinations.
Feet Appear Through Bottom Of Car
Enter a car and enable the "Spawn Jetpack" code. Your feet will appear through the bottom of the car. This also works with planes and helicopters. With bikes, CJ will appear to be standing up on the bike.
Fender Ketchup Mission
To easily complete this mission, find a large empty area and just keep going fast back and forth doing a lot of 180 degree turns to get the scare-o-meter full. Watch out for cops -- once they spot you, you will have more then one star and they will try to hit you head on. Remember to make sure that you do not get in a head on collision, or the man on the hood will die. Additionally, do not drive on the freeway, as this will attract the police. Instead, drive to the airport and perform a few insane jumps. This will have him terrified quickly. Also, the airport is not too far from Woozie's casino.
Fight With Cell Phone
Wait until Cesar calls on your cell phone and tells you that the Yay or courier is leaving San Fierro and that they are on bikes. To fight with a cell phone in your hand, press Triangle to hang up while he is talking to you. Then, immediately aim at a pedestrian with your fists as a weapon. Your cell phone should still be in your hand. You will be able to hit people with the cell phone. If you change weapons, it will disable this effect.
Finding Barbara In Dating Missions
You can find Barbara at the El Quebrados Sheriff parking lot between 16:00 and 06:00.
Finding Denise In Dating Missions
Denise is available for dating after saving her in the Burning Desire mission. She appears at her house between 16:00 to 06:00.
Finding Helena In Dating Missions
You can find Helena in the Blueberry area of Red County, taking shooting practice on top of the Ammu-Nation store from 08:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 02:00.
Finding Katie In Dating Missions
You can find Katie at the Avispa Country Club in San Fierro practicing T'ai Chi at the edge of the course behind some bushes. She can be seen between 12:00 and 00:00.
Finding Michelle In Dating Missions
You can find Michelle at the San Fierro Driving School from 00:01 to 12:00.
Finding Millie In Dating Missions
Successfully complete the Key To Her Heart mission to unlock Millie for dating from 02:00 to 10:00 and 14:00 to 18:00.
Finding Your Car After Getting Busted
If you been arrested, go down to the police parking lot. Walk around without a weapon. Eventually, you will find your car.
Fire Truck Missions Bonus
Steal a fire truck and press R3. Successfully complete level 12 of the fire truck missions to make CJ fireproof.
Fire Truck
While in San Fierro, go to the Fire Dept. and get in the Fire Truck with a ladder on top. When you get in that Fire Truck, notice you will not get the prompt to press R3 to do the fire missions. This is because there are two different Fire Trucks. You can only do those missions with the truck that does not have a ladder on top.
Fire While Out Of Ammunition
If you fire a gun out of a car in two player mode with no ammunition, it will still fire but no bullets will actually be shot out.
Flamethrower And Pool Stick In San Fierro
In the Doherty area, go behind your garage to find a construction area (marked brown on the map). Go to the building just left of the road on the brown area. Under a broken ramp is a flamethrower and pool stick.
Fling Bulldozer Around In San Fierro
Go to the construction yard near San Fierro. Go past the crane and turn left after the first hangar. Behind that, you will see a towtruck, Get in and drive towards the Bulldozer. Hook up the Bull Dozer. Drive up the hill to where there is an open area. Then, turn very sharp to either the left or the right. The Bulldozer will fling around, pulling the tow truck with it. For even more fun, get three or more tow trucks and hook them all up into a line. With three or more, the Bulldozer acts like a ball and chain flailing around.
Floating Breasts
Start two player mode and choose the prostitute. Enable the "Spawn Jetpack" code and turn the camera towards her.
Fly Plane Without Pilot License
Go to either Los Santos or Las Vatos airport. Go to the place that you would enter if you had a pilot license. If you try to get in the gate, it will say you cannot unless you have the license. Next to the gate is a small building. You will need a small car or any type of bike (BMX, bike, motorcycles, etc.). Stand on top of it and jump on top of the building. Jump off and you should see a fence (at Los Santos Airport). Climb the fence and you will see a Dodo plane. Also, if you follow the runway east, you will see a small jet that is unlocked. At Las Vatos, follow the same procedure. After you jump off of the building, just walk around and look for a plane.
Note: All but one of the aircraft at San Fereno's airport are locked.

After using the "Fly plane without pilot license" trick at the Los Santos airport, go forward you should see a Dodo airplane. Get in and take a right when inside the plane. Go straight, then take a right at the runway. Go down it until you see a jet on the right. It is not on the runway. You can get out of the Dodo and get in the jet. You can now fly the jet wherever desired. However, be careful -- if you go out of your territory you will get four stars and jets will shoot missiles at you. Try to dodge them if possible.

Go to the airport and get to the place that you would enter if you had a pilot license. If you try to get in the gate, it will say you cannot unless you have the license. Next to the gate is a small building. You will need a small car or any type of bike (BMX, bike, motorcycles, etc.). Stand on top of it and jump on top of the building. After you jump off of the building, just walk around and look for a plane.

To get into the Los Santos airport without a pilots license go all the way south until you reach a tunnel. On the south side of the tunnel, look along the fence line of the airport. Notice how the sidewalk has an incline. Walk up the incline and climb up the ledge where the bottom of the fence starts. Turn towards the ramp sign and jump across. You should grab onto the sign. Then, climb up on top of it, turn towards the fence, and jump. You should jump across and grab the fence. CJ will pull himself up and over, and you will be in the airport.

To access Los Santos International airport early, get a large van and hop over the fence where the guard tells you that you need a pilots license. You can also get any car and hop over the fence around the corner from the guard. Once inside, you will have to hop another fence, then you will find a Dodo. If you go a little further inside near the runway, you will find a jet.

Walk up to the airport gate in San Fierro, touching it. Then, walk along the side of the gate into the corner were the fence bends (keeping in contact with the gate) and walk back into the middle of the gate. It will slide open. You must start in the middle and walk to whichever side the gate will slide open to. For example, if the gates on the left, walk to the left. If it does not work at first, keep trying.

Flying Boats
While playing a game, press R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Flying Fish
Get a rocket or grenade launcher and go near a river or beach with fish. Shoot the fish with a rocket or grenade. The fish will fly out of the water and swim around in mid air.
Flying Tanker
Steal a Tractor, and grab onto a Tanker (tractor-trailer truck/18 wheeler). Back up to the front of the Tanker and latch on to it. Drive forward, then turn sharply into circles. The Tanker should go flying through the air. This may require several attempts.
Foggy Weather
While playing a game, press R2, X, L1(2), L2(3), X. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Free Pool Shots
When playing pool you can get a free shot by pressing Triangle as you take your shot and hit the ball. If done correctly, you should hit the ball and your cue should follow your white ball like if you had never taken your shot. If you pot the white ball by doing this, it freezes your game. Simply press Triangle as you press the Right Analog-stick Forward and you will get an extra shot every time.
Successfully complete bike school with at least all bronze awards to unlock the Freeway.
Freight Train Missions
After you complete the game, you can roam anywhere. As an added bonus, you can steal a train. If you press R3 while on the train, a freight train mission will start. You must drive to a train stop and deliver the freight. Be careful not to go too fast or you will derail. The easiest way to avoid derailment is go as fast as you can. However, if your controller starts to vibrate, release X.
Gain Respect
To gain respect, stay in your neighborhood and get a wanted star, then kill all the police that arrives. Once you reach a four star wanted level (and if you killed enough police), you will gain some respect. Additionally, completing missions is not the only way to earn respect. By spraying other gang's tags, you will also earn a bit, and by taking over another gang's area you will earn a lot.
Note: You must have completed some missions before you can take over areas. You can see on the radar witch areas you have taken over, and which areas the enemy gangs own. Your own territory is marked with green, and your enemies are yellow or purple.
Gang Member Drive-by
Once you have a level one Respect upgrade, go to Grove street and walk up to a gang member (dressed in green). Without a gun equipped, hold R1 on a gang member and press D-pad Up. You have now recruited him into your own personal mini-gang. If you get into a car, they will follow you. If you get three gang members and get in a four-door car, you can drive through Balla territory and your homies will lean out of the car and shoot at the Ballas who are driving by or standing around. They will also attack anyone who could be a threat to you (for example, the police). You can get only one gang member on the back of a PCJ-600, and no gang members on a Rhino.
Note: To tell your members to stay, hold R1 and press D-pad Down. To tell them to follow you, hold R1 and press D-pad Up.
Gang Member Poses
Get a camera and recruit one of your Grove Street members. Hold R1 to look through the lens, and your gang member will go in front of it and give a thumbs up or wave.
Gang Member Race
You can do this trick in any race mission with the checkered flag on your map. Bring a gang member with you. You can even bring three if the race is with a four door car. Walk into the red mission circle. Select a race and when it starts and counts down, you will see your gang member spawn to the street and walk towards your car. The races will start, and you must wait a moment before he gets in your car.
Gant Bridge Message In San Fierro

Note: This works best if you unlocked the Jet Pack or an expert at landing helicopters. Go to the Gant Bridge and fly up to the very top. Go the very top cable line piece that is horizontal, is south on the Gant Bridge, and is the closest to San Fierro. Fly up to the very top and look at the cable that is vertical to see a sign that reads "There are no Easter Eggs up here. Go Away".
Get Automatic Fire With Any Weapon
In two player mode, enable any weapon code one time. Waste all the ammunition in your SMG gun. Then, hold the weapon you want to have automatic fire (Desert Eagle recommended). Get in the passenger side of a car while the other player drives. While holding the Desert Eagle in the car, enable the same weapon code again. You can now shoot the gun automatically.
Ghost Car In Glendale
Look on your map and move the pointer over to Back O' Beyond. Find two upside-down "U"s that resemble horseshoes. Mark the left one and drive there. Once you are at the highway near it, drive and find a little dirt road that has an over turned tree next to it. Drive down the road toward the marker. You should see two Glendales. One should be on he top of the cliff closest to the highway. This is the one you need to take. Take it and drive around the horseshoe. Drive back to where you found that Glendale to see a Glendale drive down the hill and over trees. There is no driver in that car.
Gifts In Dating Missions
The purple dildo found in the police station can also be used as a gift for a girlfriend. It takes the place of the flowers. Flowers can be found at almost any gas station. They are always accepted from girlfriends, unlike the dildo which sometimes may be rejected.
Girls' Tastes In Dating Missions
The girls you date have different tastes in you. They will comment on your looks. For example, one girl likes you to be about 50% fat.
Go Underground In Area 69 In Bone County
Do the underworld glitch (at the Vinewood safehouse head north from Madd Dogg's) and fly to Area 69. Find the underground complex. Find the area where you get the Black Project, and you should see an empty long hollow room next to it. It should have red boxes at the top of the "silo". Fly underneath the empty silo then fly to the top of the silo. You should see a "cage" where the room is of the red boxes. Try to take off your Jetpack. When you do, you should land in the Black Project area or the rooms around there.
Note: To do the underworld glitch, find the safe house pool. Fly the Jetpack into the corner of the safe house. Then, fly to Area 69. Also, bring weapons and armor because the SAPD officers spawn down there.
Get a helicopter and fly towards the dam in the desert. Then, fly northeast and find the location with a couple of shacks on top of a tall rock. In one of the shacks is a Go-Kart. The other one has a parachute. Additionally, go to Tierra Robada in the desert. You can find a Go-Kart in one of the two-story brick buildings. It is north of the city, and there is a stair set in the front of the building with an open door. Go inside and you will find a Go-Kart in the back of the building when you walk in. Drive it out of the window and take it for a spin.

After you complete Madd Dogg's Strand mission, a Go-Kart will appear on the east side of the house.

Grand Theft Auto 3 Reference In Farewell My Love Mission
The man who Catalina is with is the main character from Grand Theft Auto 3. At the end of the mission, she gives a pink slip but it is not to her car She says that she needs her car because they are going to Liberty City.
Grand Theft Auto 3 Reference In Las Venturas
Go to any casino in Las Venturas and play video poker. Notice that there are various characters from Grand Theft Auto 3 on the faces of the cards. Additionally, go to any casino in Las Venturas. Find a blackjack vendor and play blackjack. If a King, Queen, or Joker appears, you can see some characters from the Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City. Some of them are Ricardo Diaz, Candy Suxxx, a man trying to look up wearing sunglasses, Asuka Kasen, Steve Scott, Donald Love, Marty Chonks, Misty, Don Salvatore Leone, and Lance Vance.
Note: If you cannot see the characters clearly, use the video poker instead.
Grand Theft Auto 3 Reference In Wu Zi Mu Mission
In the opening sequence to the mission, look in the car in the background to see your character from Grand Theft Auto 3 sitting inside.
Grand Theft Auto 3 Reference
Pay close attention to the shows that are heard on WFTC while cruising around San Andreas. Notice that one of the shows is called "Gardening With Maurice". If listened to Chatterbox in Grand Theft Auto 3, you may remember Lazlow (the host) talking to a caller who said "Gardening With Maurice" got taken off the air. Obviously this game takes place further in the past, so "Gardening With Maurice" is still on.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Reference In 555 We Tip Mission
While going to the destination marker, you will see police cars chase a car and a man firing at them. If you look closely, you can see it is Tommy Vercetti from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Be careful -- the police will sometimes crash into you, giving you one star on your wanted meter.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City References In Las Venturas
In the intermission sequence for Wuzi's casino mission entitled "Key To Her Heart", the board that CJ reveals is none other than the band Love Fist from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Additionally, one of the safe houses in Las Venturas is a casino in the northern part. Behind it is a sign of Candy Suxx moving her leg.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City References In San Fierro
Go inside the Zero RC toy shop. Behind the cashier is a game being sold. That game is Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Additionally, go to the counter inside the Zero RC toy shop. You will see a rack of action figures that includes Tommy Vercetti from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City References
In the mission when you have to rescue Truth's friends, one of them is Kent Paul from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. The old man who runs the casino that you later meet in the mission is Ken Rosenberg, Tommy Vercetti's lawyer in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
Hack Into Casinos For Free In Las Venturas
In order to hack inside and win free money, meet ''C'' (Kendl's girlfriend) and complete one mission. As they have the casinos ready for you, kill all guards and be done.
Handgun In Los Santos
Go behind Big Smoke's house. In the corner will be a gun.

Walk to the street from CJ's house. Walk between the house across from CJ's and go to the right. You will see a hand gun.

Helena Bonus In Dating Missions
Reach 50% progress with Helena to get a flamethrower, 9 mm pistol, chainsaw, and Molotov cocktails at her house.
Helicopter In Garage In San Fierro
Occasionally at the helipad that is guarded with a police garage not far from it, if you go into the garage when the helicopter is present, you will find another helicopter at the bottom floor of the garage.
High Stakes, Low Rider Mission
Instead of using the first lowrider that was given you by Cesar, drive any vehicle to Cesar's house. Look across the street from the mission starting circle to find a light colored Voodoo in a driveway. Get in it, and use it to start the mission. This car is considered a low rider, but does not have hydraulics making it less likely that you will accidentally activate them. It also controls better in turns when compared to your original lowrider. Get to the starting position of the race. When the race begins, try to maneuver around the inevitable initial crash of most of the other drivers. Note that the waypoint markers for races now are visible on the horizon, unlike the "bubble" markers of previous Grand Theft Auto games. Also, imbedded in the waypoint marker is an arrow that will indicate the direction that you need to follow for the next marker. It may be easier to slip into second place and watch the first place cars for cues on where to turn. Otherwise, just pay attention to the directions and take your turns carefully when in first place. By the time you reach the final waypoint markers, slip into first place, or use the final straight away to take the lead. Do not slow down at the end, even though the road stops. Hit the finish line at full speed.
Hippy Shopper Asset In San Fierro
Get on the Freeway bike in front of the Hippy Shopper store near the Ammu-Nation. Complete level 4 of deliveries to get the store as an asset, where you can collect money.
Hit Pedestrian With The Front Of Your Shotgun

Note: This cannot be done with more than two weapons. Get a melee weapon (baseball bat, dildo, or a police nightstick) and an ordinary shotgun. If you have more than those two weapons this trick cannot be done. Switch to your melee weapon. Walk up to a pedestrian and hit them, then immediately press Circle to switch to your shotgun. If done correctly, CJ should hit the pedestrian with the shotgun as if he were using it as a melee weapon.
Home Invasion Mission
Try to get to the target house with as much time remaining. The required three ammunition boxes can be found in the following locations. In the first room that you enter, look to your right near the cannon next to the front window. Go up the stairs and look on the landing. Go all the way up the stairs and go to the end of the hallway. If desired, you can get three more boxes in the house, but they do not seem to give anything extra.
Horseshoe Bonus
Collect all fifty horseshoes in Las Venturas to get a M4, MP5, combat shotgun, and satchel charges to appear at the Four Dragons Casino.
Successfully complete driving school with all gold awards to unlock the HotKnife.
Hotring Racer
Finish in first place in the 8-Track. Just remember to not give up, and keep trying again until you get it right, or they do not spin you out. It is useful to never use the brake or the handbrake -- just know when you need to let off the gas and when you can floor it.
Hunter Quarry Asset In Bone County
Successfully complete all seven quarry missions to get it as an asset, where you can collect money.
Successfully complete pilot school with all gold awards to unlock the Hunter. The helicopter will be available at the abandoned airstrip. You can also get it by entering the races at Las Venturas Airport. Take the race called Heli Hell, then use the "Keep aircraft from races" trick.
Successfully complete the Burning Desire mission to get Denise as your girlfriend. Keep going out with her, and eventually she will give you the keys to the blue car parked at her house.
Successfully complete the Madd Dogg's mission "Vertical Bird" to gain access to the Hydra fighter jet located at the abandoned airstrip in the hanger. Alternately, to get the Hydra earlier in the game, when you are able to enter the Las Venturas airport, after you have passed the flying school, just ahead the entrance (inside the airport) to your right is a red circle where you can race with different airships and choppers. In one of this races you can play with the Hydra. Put it inside the hangar at the abandoned airstrip, get out of the plane, and wait until the timer is over. When done, the Hydra will still be inside the hangar.
Note: This can be done with any of the vehicles of those races.

The Hydra also spawns at the army ship where you have to get it in this mission down at Easter Basin. You can also get it by entering the races in Las Venturas airport, then using the "Keep aircraft from races" trick.
Note: Press Circle while in it to fire the rockets.

Check the very bottom/end of the underground police garage in San Fierro to find a Hydra. You will need a police vehicle to get the guard to let you in (and avoid a three star wanted level).

After completing the Vertical Bird mission, the Hydra will appear at the abandoned airstrip.

Ice Cold Killa Mission
Take a gun and shoot out the tires of the pimpmobile. Then, shoot the car until the smoke turns black. Next, get a gun that you can do drive bys with. If you do not have one, go behind the building and by a pole for the bridge to find one. When you get into the club through the windows, meet Jizzy and just run out of the club after him. When you are out there, the pimpmobile should be in the same condition that you left it. It is easier to blow up his car. Additionally, before you go into the club, shoot out the tires of his Pimpmobile. Get in the club, chase him out, and he will get into the car even with blown tires. You just run after him, and pull him out of the car.

Outside the club are two limos along with Jizzy's car. Before entering the club through the skylight, park one limo in front of his car and the other behind his car, blocking it in. It will remain this way when Jizzy exits the club and tries to escape, making it easy to run up and pull him out of the car before he can drive off. Also, "high center" Jizzy's car on the grassy median along the boardwalk prior to entering the club. He will not be able to drive off it before you reach the car to pull him out.

Increase Driving Skill
Go to San Fierro and pass the tests at the driving school.
Increase Muscle Or Stamina
At about 22:00, go to a gym and work out, maxing yourself. After you have worked out enough for the day, wait another minute until the time is 0:00. Max yourself out for that day then go home. Save two or three times and you can repeat this process.

To get your character maxed out in the muscle and stamina attributes, do the following. Go the gym near the Johnson house. Work out until you are told that it is enough for one day. Go home (right down the block), save the game to advance to the next day. Return to the gym and you can work out again. You can now max out your muscle and stamina in less then a half hour.

Increase Underwater Skill
Repeatedly swim underwater to increase your lung capacity and your underwater skill.
Increase Weapon Skill
Achieve a high wanted level and go into a restaurant. Shoot everyone with the weapon that you want to raise in rank. If you walk around and wait, police will spawn, but will not shoot you. Police can raise your weapon skill faster than pedestrians. This works best in Burger Shot because of the wide area that you can walk around in. Continue until you reach Hitman status.

Use the following trick in front of any safe house. Use the gun you want to get up to Hitman status to repeatedly shoot a car until it explodes. Then, go to the next car. Repeat this until you reach Hitman status for that weapon. Watch out for the police. You can shoot them, then keep shooting the cars. When you are almost dead, enter your safe house and save the game. Your health will be restored and wanted level removed.

Get lots of bullets for the guns that you want Hitman or Gangster status for. Go to Tierra Robada. Look around at the north of the island to find a little house. Stay in there and enable the "Increase wanted level" code three times. Stay in the cabin and wait for the police to approach. When they enter the house, kill them.

To attain Hitman level quicker, select your desired weapon and go to a Pay 'N' Spray. Park your vehicle directly next to the Pay 'N' Spray. Exit the vehicle and repeatedly shoot people, cars, and cops. When your wanted level is raised to two stars or above, run to your vehicle and drive into the Pay 'N' Spray to cancel it. If your vehicle is not damaged, the respray is free. Wait for the wanted stars to stop flashing, then start shooting people again.

Go to Las Ventura and look on The Strip to find the Infernus.
Infinite Nitrous
Activate the nitrous in a car and put it inside your garage. While the nitrous is still activated, shoot the car until it explodes, then allow the garage door to close. When the door opens again, the nitrous will always remain activated in that car.
Infinite Running Boost
Enable the "Spawn Jetpack" code. When you have the Jetpack on, take it off. Then, get about thirty feet behind it so you have running distance. Run into it by using the running boost (hold Left Analog-stick Up and keep tapping X). Just before you run into the Jetpack, release X and keep the Left Analog-stick in running position. This will give you unlimited running boost until the Left Analog-stick is released.
Invisible Cars
While playing a game, press Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1(2). If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Invisible Spray Paint In Los Santos
When in CJ's home, get the spray paint can from his bedroom. Go to his lobby and spray in front off his mirror at a certain distance. You will not see the spray in the mirror when spraying.
Jet-powered Bicycle
While on any bicycle, enable the "Spawn Jetpack" code. Then, tap X until at full speed then hold the button. You now have a jet powered bicycle that rides fast, until you release X. To repeat the process, tap X again until at full speed and hold X again.
Successfully complete boat school with all gold awards to unlock the JetMax.
Successfully complete the Aircraft Boneyard asset and the Jetpack will be available near the entrance to the save area. Alternately, successfully complete the airstrip mission Green Goo for the Truth

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