Heavy D!, Lucky, and Brian: Defeat 14 opponents in party mode or accumulate more than 5 hours of game play. Heavy D! will replace Joe, Lucky will replace Andy, and Brian will replace Terry when selected.
Orochi Iori and Orochi Leona: Defeat 27 opponents in party mode or accumulate more than 10 hours of game play. Orochi Leona will replace Ralf and Orochi Iori will replace Benimaru when selected.
Wolfgang Krauser and Mr. Big: Defeat 36 opponents in party mode or accumulate more than 15 hours of game play. Wolfgang Krauser will replace Mai and Mr. Big will replace Takuma when selected.
Heidern: Defeat 40 opponents in party mode or accumulate more than 20 hours of game play. Heidern will replace Whip when selected.
Orochi: Defeat 70 opponents in party mode or accumulate more than least 30 hours of game play. Orochi will replace Leona when selected.
Krizalid: Defeat 99 opponents in party mode or accumulate more than 40 hours of game play. Krizalid will replace K' when selected.