NHL FaceOff Cheats
Alternate Team Appearance When the "Just a Minute" sign appears, hold X + Circle + L2. Keep the buttons held until several seconds after the sound of a puck is played. Now when game play begins, teams will have different jerseys with injuries enabled. |
Seven Game Series The game defaults to a one game series. To get a seven game series, start a seven game playoff before the end of the season. Then, the "continue playoff" option should be available. Now when the season ends, it will automatically overwrite the old playoff, but retain the seven game format. |
Gameshark NHL FaceOff Hacks | Infinite Time | 800F6956 3B09 | P1 Score Modifier | 800E7818 ???? | Infinite Powerplay Time (Home Team) | 800AAC1E 00FF | P2 Score Modifier | 800E780C ???? | Infinite Powerplay Time (Away Team) | 800AAC12 00FF |