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Nightmare Creatures Cheats


Blurry Mode
Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then press L1, L2(2), L1, L2(2), L1, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Cheat Mode
Enter Left, Up, Triangle, Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, Up or Left, Up, Triangle, Down, Circle, Triangle, Square, Down as a password. Then, infinite continues, level select, and play as a monster options will be available. Alternatively, enter Left, Up, X, Square, Down, Triangle, Square, Down as a password.
Debug Mode
Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then press L1(3), R1(3), L2(3), R2(3), Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Level Passwords
2Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Square, X, Square
3Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Down, Square, Up
4Triangle, Square, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Down, Up, Square
5Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Down, Down, X
6Triangle, Down, Triangle, X, Triangle, Down, Left, Circle
7Triangle, Left, Triangle, X, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Circle
8Triangle, Right, Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle
9Circle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, Circle, Square, X
10Circle, Circle, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Down
11Circle, X, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Down, Left, Down
12Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Square
13Circle, Up, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Down, Circle, Square
14Circle, Down, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Circle, X, Down
15Circle, Left, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square
16Circle, Right, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Up, Square
17X, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, Square, Down, Up,
18X, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Left, Up,
19X, X, X, Square, Circle, Down, Circle, Down,
20X, Square, X, Square, Circle, Left, X, Down,
2Up, Circle, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Square, X, Square
3Up, X, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Square, Square, X
4Up, Square, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up, Up, X
5Up, Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Down, Down, X
6Up, Down, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Left, Left, X
7Up, Left, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
8Up, Right, Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle
9Down, Triangle, X, X, Circle, X, Square, Square,
10Down, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Square, Down, Up,
11Down, X, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Left, Up,
12Down, Square, X, Square, Triangle, Left, Circle, Up,
13Down, Up, X, Square, Triangle, Left, Circle, Up,
14Down, Down, X, Square, Triangle, Triangle, X, Up,
15Down, Left, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Up,
16Down, Right, X, Square, Triangle, X, Up, Up,
17Left, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, Square, Down, Up,
18Left, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Right, Up,
19Left, X, X, Square, Circle, Down, Circle, Down,
20Left, Square, X, Square, Circle, Left, X, Down,
Level Select
At the title screen, press L1(2), L2, R1(2), R2, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Now start a game and pause to access an option that allows you to choose any level.
Music Select
Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then press L1(4), R1(3), Select. Then, pause the game, highlight the "Current Track" option, and press Left or Right to select a song.
One-hit Kills
Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then press L1, R1, L2, R2, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Now it will only take one hit to kill a creature.
Small Creatures
Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then press L2(2), R1(2), L1, R2, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Now start a game, pause, and enable the "Reduce" option to shrink the creatures in the game.

Gameshark Nightmare Creatures Hacks
Reverse Joker CommandD008EF2C ????
Infinite Adrenaline (BPC)80055E9C 0000
80055E9E 0000
Infinite Spider Cards800CC05A 0009
Infinite Green Spike Balls800CC05C 0009
Infinite Myst Potions800CC05E 0009
Infinite Snow Flakes800CC060 0009
Infinite Dynamite800CC062 0009
Infinite Lightning Bolts800CC064 0009
Infinite Torches800CC066 0009
Infinite Semi-Gun Bullets800CC068 0009
Infinite Saw Blades800CC06A 0009
Infinite Mega Heals800CC06C 0009
Infinite Heals800CC06E 0009
Infinite Skulls800CC070 0009
Infinite Normal Bullets800CC072 0009
Start a New Game as a Monster801FFF84 3000

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