Nightmare Creatures Cheats
Blurry Mode Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then press L1, L2(2), L1, L2(2), L1, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Cheat Mode Enter Left, Up, Triangle, Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, Up or Left, Up, Triangle, Down, Circle, Triangle, Square, Down as a password. Then, infinite continues, level select, and play as a monster options will be available. Alternatively, enter Left, Up, X, Square, Down, Triangle, Square, Down as a password. |
Debug Mode Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then press L1(3), R1(3), L2(3), R2(3), Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. |
Level Passwords
Level | Password | Ignatius | | 2 | Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Square, X, Square | 3 | Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Down, Square, Up | 4 | Triangle, Square, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Down, Up, Square | 5 | Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Down, Down, X | 6 | Triangle, Down, Triangle, X, Triangle, Down, Left, Circle | 7 | Triangle, Left, Triangle, X, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Circle | 8 | Triangle, Right, Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle | 9 | Circle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, Circle, Square, X | 10 | Circle, Circle, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Down | 11 | Circle, X, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Down, Left, Down | 12 | Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Square | 13 | Circle, Up, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Down, Circle, Square | 14 | Circle, Down, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Circle, X, Down | 15 | Circle, Left, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square | 16 | Circle, Right, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Up, Square | 17 | X, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, Square, Down, Up, | 18 | X, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Left, Up, | 19 | X, X, X, Square, Circle, Down, Circle, Down, | 20 | X, Square, X, Square, Circle, Left, X, Down, | | | Nadia | | 2 | Up, Circle, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Square, X, Square | 3 | Up, X, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Square, Square, X | 4 | Up, Square, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up, Up, X | 5 | Up, Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Down, Down, X | 6 | Up, Down, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Left, Left, X | 7 | Up, Left, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X | 8 | Up, Right, Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle | 9 | Down, Triangle, X, X, Circle, X, Square, Square, | 10 | Down, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Square, Down, Up, | 11 | Down, X, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Left, Up, | 12 | Down, Square, X, Square, Triangle, Left, Circle, Up, | 13 | Down, Up, X, Square, Triangle, Left, Circle, Up, | 14 | Down, Down, X, Square, Triangle, Triangle, X, Up, | 15 | Down, Left, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Up, | 16 | Down, Right, X, Square, Triangle, X, Up, Up, | 17 | Left, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, Square, Down, Up, | 18 | Left, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Right, Up, | 19 | Left, X, X, Square, Circle, Down, Circle, Down, | 20 | Left, Square, X, Square, Circle, Left, X, Down, |
Level Select At the title screen, press L1(2), L2, R1(2), R2, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Now start a game and pause to access an option that allows you to choose any level. |
Music Select Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then press L1(4), R1(3), Select. Then, pause the game, highlight the "Current Track" option, and press Left or Right to select a song. |
One-hit Kills Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then press L1, R1, L2, R2, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Now it will only take one hit to kill a creature. |
Small Creatures Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then press L2(2), R1(2), L1, R2, Select. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Now start a game, pause, and enable the "Reduce" option to shrink the creatures in the game. |
Gameshark Nightmare Creatures Hacks | Reverse Joker Command | D008EF2C ???? | Infinite Adrenaline (BPC) | 80055E9C 0000 80055E9E 0000 | Infinite Spider Cards | 800CC05A 0009 | Infinite Green Spike Balls | 800CC05C 0009 | Infinite Myst Potions | 800CC05E 0009 | Infinite Snow Flakes | 800CC060 0009 | Infinite Dynamite | 800CC062 0009 | Infinite Lightning Bolts | 800CC064 0009 | Infinite Torches | 800CC066 0009 | Infinite Semi-Gun Bullets | 800CC068 0009 | Infinite Saw Blades | 800CC06A 0009 | Infinite Mega Heals | 800CC06C 0009 | Infinite Heals | 800CC06E 0009 | Infinite Skulls | 800CC070 0009 | Infinite Normal Bullets | 800CC072 0009 | Start a New Game as a Monster | 801FFF84 3000 |