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Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee Cheats


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Green Air Mines
While playing a game, hold R1 and press Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, X. Then, Abe will produce a green air mine every time he farts.
Instant Voice Puzzle Solution
While playing a game, hold R1 and press Triangle, Up, Circle, Left, X, Down, Square, Right. Then, select any sound to solve the game's voice puzzles.
Level Select
At the first options screen, where Abe says "Hello", hold R1 and press Down, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Right, Left.
Level Skip
At the first options screen, where Abe says "Hello", hold R1 and press Up, Right, Left, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Right, Left, Up, Right.
View FMV Sequences
At the first options screen, where Abe says "Hello", hold R1 and press Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Right, Left, Up, Right.

Gameshark Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee Hacks
Invincibility80082186 0001
Have 99 Escapes80082170 0063
Zero Casualties8008216E 0000
Instant Takeover8008213C FFFF
Bullet Proof AbeD0028868 00F4
80028868 0000

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