Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee Cheats
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Green Air Mines While playing a game, hold R1 and press Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, X. Then, Abe will produce a green air mine every time he farts. |
Instant Voice Puzzle Solution While playing a game, hold R1 and press Triangle, Up, Circle, Left, X, Down, Square, Right. Then, select any sound to solve the game's voice puzzles. |
Level Select At the first options screen, where Abe says "Hello", hold R1 and press Down, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Right, Left. |
Level Skip At the first options screen, where Abe says "Hello", hold R1 and press Up, Right, Left, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Right, Left, Up, Right. |
View FMV Sequences At the first options screen, where Abe says "Hello", hold R1 and press Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Right, Left, Up, Right. |
Gameshark Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee Hacks | Invincibility | 80082186 0001 | Have 99 Escapes | 80082170 0063 | Zero Casualties | 8008216E 0000 | Instant Takeover | 8008213C FFFF | Bullet Proof Abe | D0028868 00F4 80028868 0000 |