Buffy The Vampire Slayer Cheats
Easy Health When you start after a checkpoint and your life is low, intentionally kill yourself. When you resurrect, you will have double the life you had when you started at the checkpoint. |
Infinite Health At the extras screen, press Y, White, Black(2), White, Y, Black(3), Y(3). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a scream. |
Multi-player Arena 1 At the extras screen, press Y(4), White, Black, Y(4), White, Black at the extras screen. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a scream. |
Multi-player Arenas 1 Through 2 At the extras screen, press Black(4), White, Y, Black(2), White, Y, White, Black at the extras screen. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a scream. |
Multi-player Arenas 1 Through 3 At the extras screen, press White(4), Black, Y, White(2), Y(2), White, Black. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a scream. |
Multi-player Arenas 1 Through 4 At the extras screen, press Y(2), White, Black(2), Y(5), White, Black. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a scream. |
Multi-player Story Mode Enable the "Bonus arenas" code. Select any arena, then exit out of it. Load a saved game and begin a game in story mode. Press Start on controller two when a major character is encountered during the game. If more than one major character is encountered in a scene, press Start to scroll through those that are controllable. Controller two can now be used to control that person. Press Back on controller two to stop controlling them. Note: You can also control Bosses. |
Play As Dark Buffy In Arena Mode At the extras screen, press Black, White, Y(2), Black(2), White, Black(2), White, Black(2), White, Black(3), White(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a scream. |
Slayer Power At the extras screen, press Y(3), B(3), Y, White, Black(2), White, Y. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a scream. |
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